Daniel de la Barra


30/06/2022 - 29/07/2022
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra
  • Daniel de la Barra

Opening Thursday, 30th June, 5-9pm

Conversation with the artist Daniel de la Barra and the curator Alicia Chillida, Thursday, 30th June, 7pm. Please, confirm assistance at galeria@galeriajoanprats.com


Thursday, 28 July, 19h: commented visit by Olivier Collet. Please, confirm assistance at galeria@galeriajoanprats.com


As part of Artnou, we present at Galeria Joan Prats the exhibition of Daniel de la Barra Destierro, curated by Alicia Chillida.



The inhabitants from the Terres de l’Ebre coexist in a threatened territory. Daniel de la Barra first visits the heart of the Ebro Delta, in 2021, as a guest of Centre Lo Pati to accomplish an artistic residence in Balada, next to anthropologist María Faciolince. The project reflects on the reconstruction of the landscape’s narrative, one that keeps on sustaining and perpetuating the industry’s extraction practices. It compounds a register based on images about socio-environmental violence of a political and historical nature with reminiscences to the botanic expeditions that consolidated the ways of seeing the natural as a potential land of conquest. As references, the artist uses the botanic expedition illustrated books, the paintings of traveling artists in Latin America and the Romantic Landscape paintings from XVIII and XIX centuries.


The exhibition in Joan Prats Gallery is the result of translating these researches to an art installation that combines diverse medium: painting, sculpture, poetry, music, video, documents… A new ecosystem recreated through the artistic field. The representation arises from a need to give an answer to a complex landscape dominated by political, economic and social forces, that contribute to its (de) structuring. This territory subjugated him then and hasn’t ceased to deepen in his skin, in his most profound places. He has explored his lands and, immersed in them, emerges the fundamental encounter with its people. Prove of this is the tight collaboration with Josep Pinyol, Luís Martinez’s composition and musical interpretation in the Santa Bárbara’s church organ, and the poems recited by Miquel Curto, in Tivenys.


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In collaboration with Real Academia de España en Roma, Fundació Sorigué, Lo Pati Centre d’Art Terres de l’Ebre and Sala d’Art Jove in Generalitat de Catalunya.



Daniel de la Barra. Lima, Perú (1992). Lives and Works in Rome.


Daniel de la Barra moves between painting, installation and public intervention, focusing his work on the re-construction of narratives in societies within the homogenization of the public landscape and the hierarchical imposition of powers of domination within the framework of colonial capitalism. He began his studies in 2012 at the Escuela de Arte Contemporáneo Corriente Alterna (Lima, Peru) until 2014, when he moved to Madrid to continue his painting studies.


He has carried out artistic residencies at La Escocesa Fabrica de creació, Piramidon Centre d’art Contemporani, Homesession, in Barcelona where he lived 7 years, and The Nerdrum School (Sweden). He has developed several exhibition projects and interventions such as “Pròxima Obertura” at Montjuic Castle, Barcelona, “Esc-Out” at Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona, “Ruta de los Indianos – Consideraciones de la Ciudad Moderna,” at Lo Pati within the Bienal de Amposta, “Paisajes Deseados” at Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona, “SUBVERSIÓ! Manifestacions perifèriques per a una història reversible” at El Born CCM, Barcelona or “Invation 30230” at Museo Central de Lima. In 2018 and 2019 he has received the Research and Experimentation Grant from La Escocesa, the Young Art Prize of Catalonia 2019 (Sala d’Art Jove) and in 2021 to develop his project “Real Expedición Botánica” in collaboration with La Panera de Lleida and Lo Pati, Amposta.