
end-of-year selection


Borrell, Cabello/Carceller, Cabrita, Civera, Collins, Congost, Gordillo, Jauch, Kahrs, Kopf, Lasurt, Madoz, Muntadas, del Pozo, Prats, Reisewitz, Rubio Juliana, Sarmento, Sicilia, Solar, Uslé

14 Dec 2020

During this time of year we want to celebrate the holidays with you.


We all know art is a great way of expressing human emotion, and what better gift to make on this time of the year than that?


When you buy pieces of art you are supporting artists and the cultural ecosystem as a whole.


Our gallery would be delighted to be part of this experience, that’s why we have made a very special 2020 Gallery Selection.


To discover all the pieces that compose this collection click here

end-of-year selection