Caio Reisewitz

Casa de Vidro XXIII – Lina Bo Bardi, 2020

Limited editions

Casa de Vidro XXIII – Lina Bo Bardi, 2020
Ink-jet print, ed. of 50 + 3 AP.
44 x 60 cm

This work is unframed. It is signed and numbered and includes a drawing folder.
See the set of the 2 versions here. (2.200 € both)

See artist


The aquisition of this multiple has the purpose of supporting the project “Suspendre el cel” by Caio Reisewitz, scheduled to take place at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona and Casa de Vidro, Lina Bo Bardi Foundation in Sao Paulo, 2024.


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