
Sea Sky Land

Sea Sky Land: towards a map of everything

Enrique Martínez Celaya

18 Jan 2022

Sea Sky Land: towards a map of everything. Martínez Celaya.


USC Fisher Museum of Art. February 2 – April 9, 2022



USC Fisher Museum of Art presents Enrique Martínez Celaya, SEA SKY LAND: towards a map of everything. SEA SKY LAND brings together approximately 30 large-format paintings and sculptures created by the artist between 2005 and 2020. While Martínez Celaya has had numerous museum and gallery exhibitions worldwide over the last two decades, this is the first time the arc of his practice will be revealed in a Southern California museum since 2001.


Martínez Celaya’s philosophical and poetic probing in writings plays an integral part in his artistic practice. Together these works suggest a map of sorts, and this artistic, poetic, and intellectual mapping reveals a territory shaped by self, time, memory, meaning, myth, ideations of home, and the world as it is. Each of the three galleries at the Fisher Museum will present the artist’s writings alongside paintings and sculptures dedicated to one of three motifs—sea, sky, and land.



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Sea Sky Land