Tag Archives: tadaskia

Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo

06.09 – 10.12.2023


Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announces the full list of 120 participants of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel, and the exhibit and spatial design, developed by the architects of Vão.


The announcement of the full list of participants consolidates the curatorial collective’s intensive research on the urgencies of today’s world and unveils the different formats, movements and understandings of the title choreographies of the impossible. With 120 names confirmed, the complete list echoes the voices of diasporas and native peoples, broadening local and international dialogue.


According to the curators: “The participants in this Bienal challenge the impossible in its most varied and incalculable forms. They live in impossible contexts, develop strategies of circumvention, cross limits, and escape from the impossibilities of the world in which they live. They deal with total violence, the impossibility of life in full freedom, inequalities, and their artistic expressions are transformed by the very impossibilities of our time. This Bienal embraces the impossible, the choreographies of the impossible, as a politics of movement and political movements interwoven into artistic expressions. It is an invitation to move among artists who transcend the idea of a progressive, linear, western time. Impossibility is the guiding thread and the main criterion that guides the selection of these participants.”



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que vienen las suecas

Dissabte 8 de juliol, 19.30h, a l’Antiga Farinera, Corçà: projecció comentada amb Muntadas.


L’Antiga Farinera. Ctra. C66, 304, 17121 Corçà, La Bisbal d’Empordà, Girona.



“En una recent visita i residència a Palma, a l’arxiu de Casa Planas, vaig trobar un material produït en els anys 50 i 60, una dedicació a la fotografia i la creació de postals d’aquest període a Palma de Mallorca summament interessant.


Veient aquests materials gràfics, evidentment van aparèixer imatges que em van fer recordar una situació que forma part del que jo he viscut. Es tracta de l’arribada a Espanya del turisme, especialment el turisme de masses. Aquests i aquestes turistes, que sobretot provenien ‘del nord’, buscaven el sol. Perseguien els diferents estereotips fomentats per la cultura oficial franquista: ‘lo español’… i el seu eslògan ‘Spain is different’”



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L’Antiga Farinera

Ctra. C66, 304, 17121 Corçà, La Bisbal d’Empordà, Girona

Google maps



July from Thursday to Sunday, 5:00-9:00 p.m.

August from Tuesday to Sunday, 5:00-9:00 p.m.



Saturday July 8, 7:30 p.m. Muntadas, ‘Que vienen las suecas’ screening with artist discussion

Saturday July 29, 7:30 p.m. Oliver Frank Chanarin, ‘A Perfect Sentence’ presentation of artist’s latest book in collaboration with Terranova

Saturday August 12, 7:30 p.m. Concert by cellist Oriol Prats (Capellades, 1989). Programme: L. Berio, J-S Bach, Z. Kodály. A collaboration with Schubertíada.


For the third consecutive year, we are delighted to present the collaborative project of Bombon Projects, Galeria Joan Prats, and NoguerasBlanchard.


Once again, the three galleries join forces, from June to August, to give rise to a proposal away from the cities and their galleries of origin. This year, the project travels to a new, larger space: l’Antiga Farinera, a former flour factory from 1822 built around a tower dated from the 12th and 13th centuries.


Located in Corçà, a small medieval village in the region of Baix Empordà (Girona), l’Antiga Farinera’s 500 square metres will hold an exhibition from the programs of the three galleries, coupled with a selection of guest artists from different generations. The proposal will revolve around the concept of movement, and will be accompanied by parallel activities with artists and other cultural agents throughout the summer period.


Text by Ángela Segovia




Colecciones del museo CA2M y de la Fundación Arco

Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles

31/05/2023 – 07/01/2024


La atención a la diversidad de los cuerpos y los deseos ha sido un rasgo marcado de la programación del Museo Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo desde sus comienzos hace ya quince años. Las posibilidades de la performance de los cuerpos y las coreografías sociales inéditas a las que sus comunidades dan lugar es un rasgo fundamental de la institución. El tiempo ha hecho que esa fiesta de las diferencias y celebración de lo menor haya ido, poco a poco, permeando en sus colecciones.


Es importante comprender que esto no es simplemente un sesgo temático, sino un aspecto consustancial al cometido de esta institución. El régimen del arte contemporáneo nació a mediados de los años 60 al tiempo que se producía un cambio de paradigma en la forma de entender las políticas de género con la segunda oleada de feminismos y el movimiento de liberación LGTBI, con las revueltas de clase de Mayo del 68 y sus ecos internacionales, con la culminación de la independencia de los países que habían estado bajo el poder de los imperios europeos, con el consiguiente intercambio de poblaciones que supusieron el inicio de la multiculturalidad que caracteriza al presente inmediato. No es solo que el arte contemporáneo haya trabajado por dar representación y visibilidad a las diferencias de los cuerpos, sino que los procesos de cambio social en los últimos 70 años forman parte central de la transformación estética del mundo que constituye su programa.


Esta exposición es una muestra de la diversidad de género, en las colecciones Museo CA2M y Fundación ARCO, desde las poéticas de visibilidad LGTBI a las recientes estéticas trans. Archipiélagos de lentejuelas ocupa el espacio más público del museo, su planta baja, para constituir una celebración de la diferencia, la misma que cada año a comienzos de julio se celebra en la fiesta más grande de la capital de España: el Orgullo LGTBI+.


Figuras pioneras fundamentales como George Tony Stoll o Andrés Senra, se suman a voces nuevas no binarias como Inês Zenha o Lucía C. Pino, y a la radicalidad transgénero de Manuel Solano. Como en el resto de nuestras colecciones, la presencia latina es importante también en este proyecto, con las argentinas Osías Yanov y La Chola Poblete, la brasileña Tadáskía o el colombiano Juan Pablo Echeverri. El título viene precisamente de un texto del teórico queer argentino de la generación de la crisis del sida, Néstor Perlongher: “Archipiélagos de lentejuelas, tocados de plumas iridiscentes (en cada vertebración de la cadera trepidante, las galas de cien flamencos que flotan en el aire tornado un polvo rosa), constelaciones de purpurinas haciendo del rostro una máscara más, toda una mampostería kitsch, de una impostada delicadeza, de una estridencia artificiosa se derrumba bajo el impacto (digámoslo) de la muerte”.


Juan Pablo Echeverri -que había participado en exposiciones fundamentales en la corta historia del Museo CA2M como Pop Politics- falleció prematuramente en 2022 y a él está dedicada esta muestra.



Juan Pablo Echeverri
La Chola Poblete
Lucía C. Pino
Andrés Senra
Manuel Solano
George Tony Stoll
Osías Yanov
Inês Zenha


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Sesc Sorocaba, Brazil

20.04 – 17.09.2023


Sob as cinzas, brasa (Under the Ashes, Embers)—the choice of title for the 37º Panorama da Arte Brasileira (37th Panorama of Brazilian Art) involves multiple layers. There is a heat that burns and endures even though something has been consumed by the fire and turned to ashes; the embers bear the possibility—or the hope—of revived fire.


The Panorama of Brazilian Art was conceived in 1969 by the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM) and went on to become one of the most relevant shows in Brazil’s art circuit. In its 37th edition, held between July 2022 and January 2023, the show’s embers were ablaze at a peculiar moment in Brazilian history—during an electoral cycle disputed by widely different political projects, while the country was still reeling from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Other layers of that period include the country’s reconception based on memories brought to light by the bicentennial of the proclamation of its independence (1822) and by the centennial of the Modern Art Week (1922).


In 2023, the exhibition is being rekindled through a partnership between Sesc São Paulo and MAM. Traveling to São Paulo state’s countryside, the Panorama is gaining a new run between April and September at Sesc Sorocaba. The curatorship is shared by the art researchers, historians and critics Cauê Alves, Claudinei Roberto da Silva, Cristiana Tejo and Vanessa Davidson, who have brought together 26 artists and groups from different generations.


Brazilian art is presented at this Panorama based not only on regional cross-sections—relevant in a country of continental dimensions—but also in view of diversities in ethnic-racial profile, gender and background, with academically trained or self-taught artists, along with urban productions, made in the streets.


While Brazil’s colonial past and its reverberations in the also violent present time serve as fuel for the show, another common thread is the proposal of artistic solutions. The Panorama investigates how artists from Brazilian roots poetically manifest the confrontation of historical and current problems: racism, social inequality, urban violence, the competition between different narratives at play in the never-ending construction of the nation’s collective memories. In the show, art asks and responds to an essential question: what incites the embers that burn under the ashes?


List of artists
Ana Mazzei (São Paulo, 1980—lives in São Paulo)
André Ricardo (São Paulo, 1985—lives in São Paulo)
Bel Falleiros (São Paulo, 1983—lives in New York)
Camila Sposati (São Paulo, 1972—lives in Vienna)
Celeida Tostes (Rio de Janeiro, 1929—1995)
Davi de Jesus do Nascimento (Pirapora, Minas Gerais, 1997—lives in Pirapora)
Éder Oliveira (Timboteua, Pará, 1983—lives in Belém)
Eneida Sanches (Salvador, Bahia, 1962—lives in São Paulo, SP) and Tracy Collins (New Yor, 1963—lives in New York) (LAZYGOATWORKS)
Erica Ferrari (São Paulo, 1981—lives in São Paulo)
Giselle Beiguelman (São Paulo, 1962—lives in São Paulo)
Glauco Rodrigues (Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, 1929—Rio de Janeiro, 2004)
Gustavo Torrezan (Piracicaba, 1984—lives between Piracicaba and São Paulo)
Jaime Lauriano (São Paulo, 1985—lives between São Paulo and Porto, Portugal)
Lais Myrrha (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 1974—lives in São Paulo)
Laryssa Machada (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, 1983—lives in Salvador, Bahia)
Lidia Lisbôa (Guaíra, Paraná, 1970—lives in São Paulo)
Luiz 83 (São Paulo, 1983—lives in São Paulo)
Marcelo D’Salete (São Paulo, 1979—lives in São Paulo)
Maria Laet (Rio de Janeiro, 1982—lives in Rio de Janeiro)
Marina Camargo (Maceió, Alagoas, 1980—lives in Berlin)
Nô Martins (São Paulo, 1987—lives in São Paulo)
RODRIGUEZREMOR (Denis Rodriguez [São Paulo, 1977—lives in Igatu, Bahia] and Leonardo Remor [Estação, Rio Grande do Sul, 1987—lives in Igatu, Bahia])
Sérgio Lucena (João Pessoa, Paraíba, 1963—lives in São Paulo)
Sidney Amaral (São Paulo, 1973—2017)
Tadáskía (Rio de Janeiro, 1993—lives between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo)
Xadalu Tupã Jekupé (Alegrete, Rio Grande do Sul, 1985—lives in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande)


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Emoção de lidar

Group show at Quadra Galeria (São Paulo, Brasil)

Curated by Clarissa Diniz

With works by Tadáskía

March 4 – April 29, 2023


Read the text by Clarisse Diniz


List of artists:

Ana Cláudia Almeida, Ana Matheus Abbade, Anna Maria Maiolino, Arorá, Carla Santana, Celeida Tostes, Cyshimi, Diambe, Flora Rebollo, Iagor Peres, Josi, Nise da Silveira and Leon Hirszman, Pablo Lobato, Pedro Victor Brandão, Tadáskía

Opening 29 March, 7 pm, with the presence of the artist



We are pleased to present the first solo exhibition of Tadáskía (Rio de Janeiro, 1993) at Galeria Joan Prats.


rara ocellet (Rare bird) brings together a selection of Tadáskía’s latest works developed during her residency at the Salzburger Kunstverein (Austria) and Barcelona between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The exhibition rara ocellet presents drawings, canvases, sculptures, photographs and a video installation and is accompanied by a text by Ingrid Blanco Díaz (Havana, 1972), independent curator and researcher based in Barcelona.


This exhibition is the door to the almost mystical imaginary of the artist, where she not only represents her work, but also her relationship with the world. The works that we will show transport us to a lively and colorful universe to offer us the dreams of her childhood or the intimacy of her family. In the exhibition, the figure of the bird stands out. “Ocellets is an affectionate way of calling birds in Catalan. It is also the name of the square next to where I was in Barcelona for the first time. Which made me think of the people and the food in the same way I think of the birds that migrate from one place to another, soon changing language and coexistence” (Tadáskía).


In the words of Ingrid Blanco: “rara ocellet brings together several of the narrative processes through which the artist unveils the tools she deploys to imagine and to take hold of herself. Her work is a constant research on her place in the world and how she relates to it.  Through her performances, in her relationship with objects, materials, shapes, textures and colors, she expresses her identity and reveals the decisions she makes to build and exist. The community, the family, the body, emotional ties, forms of interconnection, life experiences, the magical and the ancestral are some of the axes that channel her work.”


Tadáskía’s production can be grouped into what curator Clarissa Diniz (Recife, Brazil, 1985) called “families,” sets of works with similar characteristics that create a relationship between them. The artist is interested in presenting the spirit of things, in a procedure located between figuration and abstraction; where the simple becomes mystical. In her drawings of volatile and sensitive qualities, often made with simple materials such as recycled paper, colored pencils or nail polish, singular assemblages coexist, sometimes complementary, sometimes dissident. “Depending on where we are, there can be transformations in form, color, line.” (Tadáskía)


Tadáskía is a visual artist, writer, trans and black. Her imaginary is backed by visible and invisible things. Whether in drawings, photographs, installations, textile works or “apparitions,” Tadáskía establishes a relationship with matter that can emerge from the encounter, creating around her Afrodiasporic imaginaries and a syncretic spirituality.  In her works, the artist suggests other notions of time and space as opposed to binarisms, also raising questions in the fields of form, line and color.


Tadáskía (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1993) lives and works between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. She holds a degree in Visual Arts from UERJ (2012-2016) and a Master’s degree in Education from UFRJ (2019-2021). In 2022 she had her first solo exhibition noite e dia in, São Paulo, and also in Europe, during her residency at Homesession, Barcelona. She has participated in recent group exhibitions at MAM, São Paulo, 2022; ISLAA, New York; Triangle Asterides, Marseille; Framer Framed, Amsterdam; Madragoa, Lisbon; Casa de Cultura do Parque, São Paulo; Casa Zalszupin, São Paulo (2022); Pivô, São Paulo; Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, São Paulo; Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo; Casa da Cultura da Comporta; EAV Parque Lage (2021); Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro (2020-21); Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro; EAV Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro (2019-2020). In 2023 she has been in residence at Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg.


Thanks to Loop, Homesession







ARCOmadrid 2023

Galeria Joan Prats

Booth 9C06



For our booth at ARCOmadrid 2023, we present a selection of pieces by our artists, Erick Beltrán, Alfons Borrell, Cabello/Carceller, Victoria Civera, Luis Gordillo, Alicia Kopf, Lola Lasurt, Perejaume, Pablo del Pozo, Fernando Prats, Caio Reisewitz, José María Sicilia, Juan Uslé.



For the first time, we will present a canvas and drawings by Brazilian artist Tadáskía.



Preview here