Tag Archives: traduccion

antoni muntadas acvic traduccio

5.11.2019, 16h

ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies


ANTONI MUNTADAS, simposi Art i Traducció.


Dimarts 5 de novembre de 2019

De 16.00 a 17.30 h

A ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies


Taller en el marc del SIMPOSI ART I TRADUCCIÓ, coorganitzat per la UVic-UCC i ACVic.


Taller pràctic d’Antoni Muntadas, on compartirà i explicarà les seves metodologies de treball, interpretant imatges dels mitjans de comunicació del context vigatà en relació amb les nocions de “traducció”, “mitjans”, “espai públic”, “ideologia” i “poder”.


L’investigador Pablo Santa Olalla (UB), també arxiver de l’Arxiu/AM, i Anna Dot presentaran i coordinaran el taller. L’acte de clausura anirà a càrrec de la doctora i crítica d’art Ana M. Palomo.


+ info


Antoni Muntadas

Barcelona, 1942

Lives and works between Barcelona, New York and Venice.



Antoni Muntadas’s work has developed from its beginning –early seventies– a constant criticism towards the languages and messages of the media as clear instruments of power.


Since the first moment he used the video as useful tool to dissect and make the mechanisms of communications visible, referring to television and the designated `media landscape´. This genuine study and treatment turned him into an early pioneer in the audiovisual artistic field.


Likewise, Muntadas has analyzed and questioned the relationships that are established between the public and the private through his video works, photographs and multimedia installations; it’s from the early nineties that he incorporates internet to this list.


Also, since the 90s, he initiates new kinds of long-term. In each of these projects a principal concept is developed, which extends through different stages and contexts.