Tag Archives: Regina Vater

Arte Natureza: Ressignificar para viver

18th Bienal Pavilion – São Paulo’s International Art Festival

April 6th-10th, 2022, Parque Ibirapuera, SP



Curator and journalist Ana Carolina Ralston organizes, at the 18th SP–Arte, an unpublished show entitled ‘Arte Natureza: Ressignificar para viver’, with works by fundamental artists to think about the relationships between art and sustainability


Artists: Caio Reisewitz, Ernesto Neto, Joseph Beuys, Frans Krajcberg, Daiara Tukano, Amelia Toledo, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Bené Fonteles, Daniel Acosta, Deco Adjiman, Henrique Oliveira, Hugo Fortes, Joao Farkas, José Bento, Juliana dos Santos, Luiz Zerbini, Mariana Palma, Paula Costa, Regina Vater, Sonia Gomes and Uyra.


In the curatorship, Ralston proposes, starting from art, a discussion on the idea of ​​ecology, a network in which the link between the kingdoms becomes essential for the continuation of the species. In her words, “resignify everything that surrounds us is the key to the sequence of human life as a part of the enviroment. The transformation of matter, as well as its compensation in other elements, makes balance -and, consequently, our permanence on Earth- possible. Nothing more effective than placing such a dialogue in the middle of two of the main parks in Latin America, where humanity, art and the environment coexist.”



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