Alfons Borrell. 2.IX.20

Sala I. Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell.


Inauguració, dimecres 2 de setembre a les 19.00 h.

Exposició del 2 de setembre al 2 d’octubre de 2020.


Pintor dels sentiments, els seus quadres duen la taca latent d’una nebulosa plena de vida o el gest madur del traç d’un llamp. Els colors plans escuden o comprimeixen als altres, però sempre hi ha l’escletxa per on s’escapen; un tros de tela per on la taca, la vida, esdevé lliure, omplint tot el llenç, tot vessant el color dels límits del bastidor.


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An experimental exhibition format in two chapters


22.8 –11.10.2020


Kunstverein in Hamburg



The experimental exhibition Corona Sound System foregrounds the experience of listening while changing the visual experience of an exhibition. What is the purpose of the exhibition space and/or what can the exhibition space do in the context of sound? In an empty room with white walls, within the functioning exhibition architecture, there are seats scattered at the required distance. Here a group exhibition will be held from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. A radio play takes place next to a concert; minimalist tones are replaced by a baroque piece; the ambience  of short pauses between pieces offers a moment to breathe deeply before getting involved in a new cosmos—just like in real life. These sounds are scattered in the room, one runs after another rather than side by side. We have to move back and forth between a total of five spaces that host these sounds—go there, linger, and then onto another place in the room, where the constellation of these sounds evokes new images from the last. Sound art can be experienced visually because it evokes different images in the mind of each individual visitor.


The exhibition Corona Sound System has no theme—except for concentrating on the different types of sound and their implicit possibilities.


Annika Kahrs and Wolfgang Tillmans both work in Hamburg. With her sound work My Favorite Music, Annika Kahrs deals with sound reinforcement and the acoustic appropriation of public spaces at Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. In 2001, areas of the main station began to be filled with classical ambient music in order to drive away people who slept or spent time there. She asks: whose private playlist do we hear at the train station? In Hamburg Süd / Nee IYaow eow eow Wolfgang Tillmans  mixes the ambient noises of the Hauptbahnhof and the surroundings of the Kunstverein with the playfully extended singing of Billie Ray Martin and himself.


Annika Kahrs’s piece is played daily at 14:17:00 – 14:35:31.


Participating artists: Die Apotheke, Jenny Beyer, Lucrecia Dalt, Mathew Dryhurst, Carola Ernst, Tobias Euler, Pascal Fuhlbrügge, Graindelavoix/Björn Schmelzer, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Holly Herndon, Annika Kahrs, Felix Kubin, Hanne Lippard, Melissa E Logan, Robin Minard, Thies Mynther, Charlotte Pfeiffer, Robert Rehnig, Schwabinggrad Ballet, Nika Son, Mounira Al Solh, Jakob Spengemann, Veit Sprenger, Wolfgang Tillmans and C.W. Winter.



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exposure:the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place (Cambridge Dictionary)


Exposures is a series of online exhibitions that aims to reflect on topics related to the current context, and around the general idea of ‘The body and the other’.


Exposures #03The hands


The third proposal revolves around the hand, the part of the human body most linked to the artistic creation along with the eyes and which at the same time helps us to communicate and relate, just like the word.


It brings together works by Erick Beltrán, Cabello/Carceller, Victoria Civera, Hannah Collins, Enzo Cucchi, Chema Madoz, Enrique Martínez Celaya, Muntadas, Perejaume, Marcel Rubio Juliana and Julião Sarmento.


Our hands are taking an unusual role in the last months due to their role in the transmission of viruses. Touching things, touching our faces, touching other hands has become dangerous, hands are now forced to cover themselves with gloves, to wash constantly, not to touch, not even to say hello.


But we have seen how its presence has been a constant in many artistic works, from prehistoric art to the present day, due to its formal and symbolic variety.


The non-verbal language of gestures reveals the relationship between hand and mind. In the works we show, the hand gestures express different moods, feelings, attitudes or emotions from fear or sorrow to sensuality or complicity. Sometimes, as happens for example in Julião Sarmento’s works, its representation alludes to the totality of the human body.


Hand gestures also refer to social conventions, thus becoming a representation of the human condition in close relationship with culture and expression. As evidenced in some of Muntadas‘ works, this rhetorical figure can define ambition, agreement, imposition, authority or power.


This exhibition will be on view until September 30th.


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Cabrita: Obras na Coleção de Serralves.

Museo Municipal de Caminha, Portugal.

07/08 – 29/11/2020



La colección Serralves vuelve al Museo Municipal de Caminha con una exposición de obras de Cabrita.


La muestra reúne un conjunto de obras del artista que pertenecen a la colección del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Serralves y que dan una perspectiva sobre la evolución de la obra de Cabrita a lo largo de los años 80 y 90.


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think about the size




“Escric amb rius i turons / sobre el paper de les planes”    Perejaume*


Spring has been marked by a radical transformation of our ways of moving, relating and exchanging. Suddenly everything has changed. Our perception of everyday things and also of the most relevant things has been questioned. What seemed essential to us becomes not essential. We have realized the precariousness of life, we have known the importance of solidarity, of family, of our loved ones, of our environment. Nature and the environment have also taken a leading role that they did not have before.


Facing this, we have dared to ask the artists of the gallery to participate in this exhibition that we now present, with works which they have carried out during this time of social isolation. They are diverse answers to the same question, they have in common the use of paper as a medium, common for some –like Victoria Civera or Perejaume– and unprecedented for others –like Hannah Collins or Annika Kahrs–.


The making of these works has been able to become an escape route, a tool to continue working despite the difficulties and, at the same time, they allow the spectator to enter the intimacy of the studios and the heads of their creators. They are, in most cases, works made at home, with house’s tools, testimonies of a unique and, we hope, unrepeatable moment.


‘Think about the size of the universe, then brush your teeth and go to bed’ takes the title of a work by the artist Annika Kahrs. Starting with humor, it invites us to reflect on the balance between micro and macro levels and on the search for meaning and identity within the unfathomable universe of which we are a part, reflections that become fundamental in the current context.


The result of this exhibition has been a series of diverse works. In some cases, we see that the themes that worried the artists, before the pandemic, have maintained their leading role or, even in others, they show fragments of their work process and are linked to future projects.


In other cases, we find proposals that speak directly of the current moment: reflections on personal relationships, the political situation, messages from the media or vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.


Finally, we would also find a third group of works that focus on observing the closest environment and nature.



To provide you with more information and images, please contact



* “I write with rivers and hills / on the paper of the plains” Perejaume

Fernando Prats, ganador de la tercera edición de la convocatoria para realizar intervenciones artísticas en ‘Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria, Museo Nacional de Colombia’ en la categoría de artistas con larga trayectoria, con el proyecto ‘Aún tendría que haber luciérnagas’.


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Teresa Solar, among the 20 nominees to The Future Generation Art Prize, by The Victor Pinchuk Foundation (Ukraine).⁣


The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists, all under 35 years old. ⁣


An outstanding selection committee, appointed by a distinguished international jury, has chosen these artists who will display their works at the Pinchuk Art Centre in Kyiv. Subsequently, all of them will present their works in the Future Generation Art Prize exhibition at the Venice Biennale.⁣


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Fondation EDF, Paris

16.09.2020 – 31.01.2021


Du 16.09.20 au 31.01.21, la Fondation groupe EDF présente Courants verts, Créer pour l’environnement. Pour la première fois en France, une exposition d’envergure qui réunit des artistes internationaux engagés dans le combat écologique.


Tous les artistes sont résolument engagés à travers leurs installations, photographies, vidéos ou dessins à affronter les défis que pose l’Anthropocène : ce moment où les activités humaines perturbent en profondeur les processus naturels, impose à l’humanité de nouveaux comportements, un rapport à l’environnement, une culture et des mentalités à refondre.


Sans pessimisme, Courants verts, Créer pour l’environnement souligne avec les œuvres présentées le processus d’adaptation que traverse aujourd’hui l’humanité. L’exposition rappelle que l’art joue son rôle dans cette mutation essentielle caractéristique de l’actuelle transition climatique en agissant sur les imaginaires et en proposant de nouveaux récits.


Avertir, Agir et Rêver sont les trois axes qui composent le parcours de l’exposition sous le regard de son commissaire, Paul Ardenne, historien de l’art et auteur de l’ouvrage Un Art écologique. Création plasticienne et anthropocène (Le Bord de l’Eau, 2018 ; sec. Édition augmentée, 2019). Déployée sur les 400 m² de l’Espace Fondation EDF, l’exposition est accompagnée d’un large volet pédagogique invitant les visiteurs à poursuivre la réflexion engagée à travers des masterclasses, des conférences et des ateliers.


Artistes:  ACKROYD & HARVEY (Royaume-Uni), Maria Thereza ALVES (Brésil),  Joseph BEUYS (Allemagne), Janet BIGGS (États-Unis d’Amérique), Thierry BOUTONNIER (France), Michel DE BROIN (Canada), Nicole DEXTRAS (Canada), COUTURIER LAFARGUE (Canada), Christiane GEOFFROY (France), Jérémy GOBÉ (France), Nathan GRIMES (États-Unis d’Amérique), Olga KISSELEVA (Russie), Janet LAURENCE (Australie), Barbara et Michael LEISGEN (Allemagne), Lucy et Jorge ORTA (Royaume-Uni / Argentine), Fernando PRATS (Chili), Jean-François ROBIC (France), Jacques ROUGERIE (France), Khvay SAMNANG (Cambodge), Sarah TROUCHE (France), Sam VAN AKEN (États-Unis d’Amérique)


Commissariat: Paul ARDENNE


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