
Paisatge – Obra sobre paper


Hernández Pijuan


Espai Art l’Abadia del Palau de l’Abadia, Sant Joan de les Abadesses


18 de juny – 25 de setembre, 2022




L’exposició presenta una petita mostra del treball d’Hernández Pijuan, (Barcelona 1931- 2005) sobre l’espai i la llum, és a dir, sobre el paisatge i el color, sobre el temps, l’experiència i la memòria. Es tracta de temes centrals en Hernández Pijuan al llarg de més de tres dècades, des dels anys setanta fins a principis dels dos mil. S’exposa “Obra sobre paper”, un suport cabdal com a pintor. De la mateixa importància per a ell, que la tela i el gravat.


L’exposició s’inaugurarà el dia 18 de juny, a les 18 h, i estarà oberta al públic de dilluns a dissabte, de 10 a 14 h i de 16 a 19 h, i diumenges, de 10 a 14 h



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Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Fonteta, June 17 – August 28, 2022


Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen, Ángela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats



We are delighted to present again a collaborative project of galleries Bombon, Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard. The proposal for this season once again brings together artists from the three galleries and from different generations in an exhibition format that will be based on the exquisite corpse principle, with a text by Eduard Escoffet written for the occasion.


Focusing on this act of collective exchange, during the summer of 2022, the artists invited to participate, the first of them Pere Noguera (La Bisbal, Girona; 1941), will be in charge of selecting the first group of artists, and so on, until the end of a series of exhibition proposals made up of works spanning different generations and imaginaries.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Chapter 1: opening Saturday June 25
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Room 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Room 2)


Chapter 2: opening Saturday July 16
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Room 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Room 2)


Chapter 3: opening Saturday August 6
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Room 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Room 2)


Chapter 4: opening Thursday 18
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Room 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Room 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
June: Friday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm
July and Aug: Monday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm




Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelacions sobre una esfera informe.

Fonteta, 17 Juny – 28 Agost, 2022


Estem contents de tornar a presentar el projecte col·laboratiu de Bombon, Joan Prats i NoguerasBlanchard a Fonteta (Empordà). La proposta per a aquesta temporada reuneix de nou artistes de les tres galeries i de diferents generacions en un format expositiu que s’articula talment es tractés d’un cadàver exquisit. El poeta Eduard Escoffet ha escrit un text de presentació d’aquest projecte.


Partint d’aquest mateix acte d’intercanvi col·lectiu, durant l’estiu de 2022, els artistes convidats en l’espai, el primer dels quals és el Bisbalenc Pere Noguera, seran els encarregats de seleccionar als següents, i així consecutivament, fins a tancar un cicle de propostes expositives formades per obres que abasten diferents generacions i imaginaris.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Capítol 1: inauguració dissabte 25 de juny
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Sala 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Sala 2)


Capítol 2: inauguració dissabte 16 de juliol
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Sala 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Sala 2)


Capítol 3: inauguració dissabte 6 d’agost
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Sala 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Sala 2)


Capítol 4: inauguració dissabte 18 d’agost
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Sala 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Sala 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
Juny: Divendres a diumenge de 17 – 21h
Jul i Ago: Dilluns a diumenge 17 – 21h


Power flower

Power flower.

Biennale des arts de Nice.

From 17 June to 3 September 2022.

Grande halle of Le 109.



Curated by Marie Maertens and Cédric Teisseire
With Caio Reisewitz, José Maria Sicilia, Davide Balula, Rina Banerjee, Erica Baum, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, Andrea Blum, Robert Brambora, Julien Carreyn, Srijon Chowdhury, Morgan Courtois, Johan Creten, Julie Curtiss, Mimosa Echard, Samuel Fasse, Grégory Forstner, Piero Gilardi, Camille Henrot, Ittah Yoda, Rachel de Joode, Bharti Kher, Kapwani Kiwanga, Natacha Lesueur, Michèle Magema, Tony Matelli, Ad Minoliti, Jean-Luc Moulène, Chalisée Naamani, Frédéric Nakache, Daniel Otero Torres, Autumn Ramsey, Julie Réal, Antoine Renard, Loup Sarion, Moffat Takadiwa, Diana Thater, Solange Triger, Kees Visser, Agnès Vitani, Letha Wilson, Junko Yamasaki.



In the Grande halle of Le 109, more than forty artists will explore the symbolic aspects of the flower, from metamorphosis to the evolution of life, from power to fragility, taking on contemporary societal and environmental issues.


As far back as ancient Greece, frescoes or friezes of flowers have seduced spectators and the motif even became established long before that of the landscape, accompanied by the notion of the sublime in the 18th century. In the history of art, the flower was very early on the bearer of symbols and attributes of saints or of various gardens of Eden, when Dutch paintings assigned to it a role as much as a representation of opulence, as a testimony to the fragility and finitude of life.


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Erick Beltrán



Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel

18.06 – 25.09.2022



Kassel has an unusual institution in the Museum for Sepulchral Culture, which explores the culture of dying, mourning, remembering, and burying. Its permanent exhibition presents items related to sepulchral culture, primarily in the German-speaking world, from the Middle Ages to the present. On the lower floor, as if descending into a crypt, visitors encounter coffins, hearses, clothing, mourning jewelry, gravestones, and tomb sculptures.


For documenta fifteen, the Mexican artist Erick Beltrán, who lives and works in Barcelona, Spain, addresses the power mechanisms that define, evaluate, classify, reproduce, and disseminate images and discourses. Together with a local research group, he addresses the question “What is power?” and presents the results in the form of a large-format installation with prints and sculptures


+ Conference: The Image of Power

Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel

18 & 19.06.2022, 5-6.30 pm

The Image of Power conference focuses on the central idea of lumbung artist Erick Beltrán’s work and research and possible visualizations of the social psyche.



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IX Lliçons Haas: L’Escrita, una lliçó de Perejaume 


Divendres 10 de juny del 2022, 12:30h
Lloc: Dipòsit de les Aigües (UPF – Campus de la Ciutadella), accés pel Jardí de les Aigües (C/ Ramon Turró, 2 08005 Barcelona)



Perejaume dedica al Dipòsit de les Aigües de la UPF un text sobre el riu Escrita, on aigua i lletra es pensen plegades, en una nova edició del col·loqui acadèmic-artístic que reuneix periòdicament artistes, investigadors i públic interessat en les arts, la literatura, la religió i els moviments culturals contemporanis.


El divendres 10 de juny del 2022, la novena edició de les Lliçons Haas consistirà en un acte celebrat al Dipòsit de les Aigües, biblioteca de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra al campus de la Ciutadella. L’artista Perejaume pronunciarà la lliçó L’Escrita, acompanyat per Sílvia Bel, Arnau Obiols, Neus Borrell i Sergi Castellà, i oferirà a la cèlebre biblioteca e la UPF, antiga torre d’aigües modernista, un text creat específicament per a l’ocasió, en què aigua i lletra, riu i escriptura, es pensen plegades.


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Badalona, ​​1991

Lives and works in Barcelona


Marcel Rubio Juliana expresses himself mainly through drawing and painting, although his approach to creation has, at times, certain similarities with the literary essay.


His work processes are usually of a very long duration. He formalizes his aesthetic investigations mainly in large formats, charcoal canvases, epic scenes in oil but also miniatures on glass.


Marcel Rubio Juliana’s work is characterized by his interest in classical references: Renaissance painting, sculpture and Italian architecture. He produces an iconography resulting from the natural observation of both human and animal models that runs through all his canvases. Marcel is not afraid to face great themes such as love, death, resurrection, however, elements of everyday life or popular culture can always appear in his paintings.


From the allegory, which ironically includes contemporary grotesque representations, in his own words, his work is built around a single purpose: “elevate the spirit.”

diseños habitados

Diseños habitados

Helena Almeida – Chema Madoz

Foto Colectania. Del 22 de junio al 18 de septiembre, 2022



‘Diseños habitados’ propone una resonancia entre los trabajos de dos de los primeros autores que formaron parte de la colección de Foto Colectania, mostrando algunas claves de sus procesos creativos.


El título de la muestra rinde homenaje a Helena Almeida, que se toma prestado de la primera serie en la que utilizó la fotografía (Desenho habitado). También se recupera el concepto de diseño en su acepción renacentista, que se refiere tanto al dibujo como al proyecto y al proceso mental de trasladar lo imaginado por el artista a la obra. Un ejercicio que define con precisión el fascinante trabajo de estos creadores.


La coincidencia de que tanto Almeida como Madoz realicen bocetos posiblemente guarda relación con su interés por lo íntimo y vivencial. Los dos autores realizan infinidad de esbozos -que no siempre se convierten en obras finales- como primer paso para materializar sus ideas a través del lápiz y el papel. En esta exposición se ha querido resaltar el valor intrínseco de estos dibujos como meros y bellos bocetos, cuyo resultado expresan por medio de la fotografía.


Almeida interviene a veces la obra con estudiadas pinceladas o trazos de lápiz, y siempre fascina con sus ejercicios de reflexión y teatralidad. Madoz dibuja en los cuadernos personales que ha ido guardando a lo largo de los años, que se muestran por primera vez en esta exposición junto con algunos de los objetos que ensambla artesanalmente. Así, sus bocetos se convierten en objetos y sus objetos en imágenes, con su característico estilo y golpes de magia.


La colección de Foto Colectania reúne más de 3.000 fotografías, y quiere reflejar la diversidad de la fotografía española y portuguesa -desde 1950 hasta la actualidad- a través de un extenso conjunto de obras de cada uno de los fotógrafos representados.



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espaço pedro cabrita reis

The mayor of Sintra, Basílio Horta, inaugurated this Monday at MU.SA – Museu das Artes de Sintra, the Espaço Pedro Cabrita Reis, where ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’ will be permanently on display.


The space was inaugurated with the presence of the Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva, in a ceremony in which the artist Pedro Cabrita Reis was awarded the Medal of Municipal Merit, in recognition of all the work carried out.


The new space will permanently exhibit the work ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, in the same place for which it was designed for the exhibition ‘No Reino das Nuvens – as Artistas e a Invenção de Sintra’, which marked the 25th anniversary of the elevation of Sintra to Heritage of the Humanity, between May 27 and October 17, 2021.


The work ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, which now resides in the space for which it was designed, an imposing triptych measuring 351 x 566 cm, contains a metamorphic atmosphere that captures the essence of the place, the landscape, the climate of Sintra, exposing us and confronting us with its uniqueness. 


In addition to ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, the new space has two works kindly donated by the artist to the Municipality of Sintra that unify the impactful, cohesive and almost cathartic character of the intended ambience for the space. 


The premise for the creation of this space involves the dynamization of an active and attractive program around the work. The program will be based on two structuring pillars: “Habitar o Espaço”, which will be based on initiatives that enhance the physical space itself – on how it is influenced and influences the work – and which are intended to be comprehensive and inclusive; “Habitar o Espaço”, whose proposal is to promote dialogue between the works of art from the Municipal Art Collection and the resident work. To this end, several personalities linked to the artistic and cultural environment will be invited to choose works from the Municipal Art Collection that dialogue, challenge and contrast the resident work. 


Espaço Pedro Cabrita Reis opens to the public with a challenging exhibition proposal placing side by side the auratic and admirable landscapes of Pedro Cabrita Reis and the fine and delicate landscapes of Alfredo Keil and João Cristino da Silva, united by the natural and human essence of Sintra.



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