Tag Archives: joan prats

Prats Nogueras Blanchard presentaremos un stand (9C06) con obras de:


Mercedes Azpilicueta, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Victoria Civera, Luis Gordillo, Lola Lasurt, Ana Mendieta, Muntadas, Ester Partegàs, Perejaume, Wilfredo Prieto, José María Sicilia, Nancy Spero, Antoni Tàpies, Ignacio Uriarte y Juan Uslé.





También tendremos un Solo Project de Josep Ponsatí (Banyoles, 1974) en un stand compartido con la galería Bombon (9A01).





6-10 marzo | IFEMA Madrid 

Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Fonteta, June 17 – August 28, 2022


Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen, Ángela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats



We are delighted to present again a collaborative project of galleries Bombon, Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard. The proposal for this season once again brings together artists from the three galleries and from different generations in an exhibition format that will be based on the exquisite corpse principle, with a text by Eduard Escoffet written for the occasion.


Focusing on this act of collective exchange, during the summer of 2022, the artists invited to participate, the first of them Pere Noguera (La Bisbal, Girona; 1941), will be in charge of selecting the first group of artists, and so on, until the end of a series of exhibition proposals made up of works spanning different generations and imaginaries.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Chapter 1: opening Saturday June 25
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Room 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Room 2)


Chapter 2: opening Saturday July 16
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Room 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Room 2)


Chapter 3: opening Saturday August 6
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Room 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Room 2)


Chapter 4: opening Thursday 18
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Room 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Room 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
June: Friday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm
July and Aug: Monday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm




Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelacions sobre una esfera informe.

Fonteta, 17 Juny – 28 Agost, 2022


Estem contents de tornar a presentar el projecte col·laboratiu de Bombon, Joan Prats i NoguerasBlanchard a Fonteta (Empordà). La proposta per a aquesta temporada reuneix de nou artistes de les tres galeries i de diferents generacions en un format expositiu que s’articula talment es tractés d’un cadàver exquisit. El poeta Eduard Escoffet ha escrit un text de presentació d’aquest projecte.


Partint d’aquest mateix acte d’intercanvi col·lectiu, durant l’estiu de 2022, els artistes convidats en l’espai, el primer dels quals és el Bisbalenc Pere Noguera, seran els encarregats de seleccionar als següents, i així consecutivament, fins a tancar un cicle de propostes expositives formades per obres que abasten diferents generacions i imaginaris.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Capítol 1: inauguració dissabte 25 de juny
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Sala 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Sala 2)


Capítol 2: inauguració dissabte 16 de juliol
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Sala 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Sala 2)


Capítol 3: inauguració dissabte 6 d’agost
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Sala 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Sala 2)


Capítol 4: inauguració dissabte 18 d’agost
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Sala 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Sala 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
Juny: Divendres a diumenge de 17 – 21h
Jul i Ago: Dilluns a diumenge 17 – 21h


Teresa Solar, Ride ride ride

26.10.2019 – 26.01.2020

Index (Stockholm)


Teresa Solar works with objects and the space in between them, with narratives and broken information. Solar experiments with textures and physicality understanding art as a situation to discover, feel and think. Her exhibited objects can be sculpture and also set material, can be produced or found but is in the conjunction that the whole group becomes a para-linguistic structure with internal dialogues in several timelines.


In her exhibition, Teresa Solar is mixing classic Egyptian mythology, details of contemporary history and linguistic theory: A sculpture of Nut – the goddess of the night in pharaonic Egypt – becomes the axis of the space at Index Foundation and a partner in a dialogue with plenty of references. Curro, the mascot of the universal exhibition in Sevilla 1992, with its bright colors and cartoonish design, is divided in fragments of memory and disappearance. A killer whale becoming a children’s game and a stretched tiger show the porosity and elasticity of objects, nodding the capacity of art to define other ways of relating to them and modifying its signification. A canoe with a new layer of paint is now an eye, a body, an openness. And still a canoe. Gestures become objects and games, objects become unwritten words and sensual connections, lapses of time offering the next experience to be discovered.


André Malraux had with his imaginary museum a collection of images to construct meaning: many possible museum narratives where waiting to be built from the selected photographs collected at Malraux’s archive. What happens when instead of possible images what we have is real objects? Can objects become the museum and not just the idea of the museum? Is the museum a physical experience? Can objects disappear while becoming a museum experience? Can objects become a trigger for memory? To visit an exhibition is a confrontation with hidden languages and bits of information and, still, a visual and performative contact with colors and surfaces.


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Bryce, colección Hochschild

Sala Alcalá 31.

Del 21 de febrero al 16 de abril de 2017.

La exposición presenta una amplia selección de la colección Hochschild, una de las principales de Perú y la única que, hasta el momento, se ha dedicado casi en exclusiva a la producción artística moderna y contemporánea del país andino.

“Próxima parada: artistas peruanos en la colección Hochschild” reúne obra de un conjunto de alrededor de cuarenta artistas y ofrece una visión representativa de los fondos de esta colección privada, así como de las creaciones de los artistas peruanos contemporáneos.

Esta muestra sobre la colección Hochschild representa una oportunidad inmejorable para comprender el arte de las últimas décadas de Perú, un país cuya cultura incaica o barroca es bien conocida internacionalmente, pero no así su arte más contemporáneo.

La exposición está compuesta por obras realizadas sobre distintos soportes, desde pinturas, esculturas, dibujos y fotografías hasta videoproyecciones, instalaciones y proyectos multidisciplinarios de diferentes corrientes artísticas; desde el surrealismo hasta la abstracción geométrica, pasando por el arte popular o el informalismo. Entre los artistas que conforman la muestra se encuentran algunas figuras reconocidas internacionalmente como Milagros de la Torre, Martín Chambi, Fernando Bryce, Sandra Gamarra o Mario Testino junto a nombres más desconocidos para el público español como José Carlos Martinat, Maya Watanabe, Eduardo Moll o Giancarlo Scaglia.

Sin duda, la colección Hochschild representa un empeño personal por ser parte del esfuerzo de conservadores de museos, curadores, galerías, críticos, académicos y artistas peruanos que están contribuyendo a hacer del arte del Perú nuestra “próxima parada”.


Comisario: Octavio Zaya
Organiza: Oficina de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid


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Bucharest, Romania, 1955

Lives and works in New York



Lydia Dona’s paintings hold many references to the city and the urban environment. So through tubes, screws and other objects that she superimposes to the colour stain, an enormous mechanism without human presence is revealed.


The surface of her paintings may recall the American abstract legacy of Pollock or Clyfford – Though the colours drift apart by their luminosity- that is juxtaposed to the mechanic images of the vanguards.


Lydia Dona maintains in her work the permanent conflict between urban abstractions with its noisy rhythm and the micro cosmos that makes it possible.

Chema Madoz

Madrid, 1958
Lives and works in Madrid


Chema Madoz’s work, close to visual poetry, shows a constant inclination towards symbolism, using images that are characterized by a subtle play of paradoxes and metaphors.


With regards to the ‘Still Life’ conventions, his photographs show objects that contain “life” and discover a new dimension of meaning through contextualization, relocation or juxtaposition of common and everyday appearances. In this manner, Chema Madoz shapes an imaginary that challenges our credulity in the picture, and in the existence of an intangible reality.