Tag Archives: Bombon

L’Antiga Farinera

Ctra. C66, 304, 17121 Corçà, La Bisbal d’Empordà, Girona

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July from Thursday to Sunday, 5:00-9:00 p.m.

August from Tuesday to Sunday, 5:00-9:00 p.m.



Saturday July 8, 7:30 p.m. Muntadas, ‘Que vienen las suecas’ screening with artist discussion

Saturday July 29, 7:30 p.m. Oliver Frank Chanarin, ‘A Perfect Sentence’ presentation of artist’s latest book in collaboration with Terranova

Saturday August 12, 7:30 p.m. Concert by cellist Oriol Prats (Capellades, 1989). Programme: L. Berio, J-S Bach, Z. Kodály. A collaboration with Schubertíada.


For the third consecutive year, we are delighted to present the collaborative project of Bombon Projects, Galeria Joan Prats, and NoguerasBlanchard.


Once again, the three galleries join forces, from June to August, to give rise to a proposal away from the cities and their galleries of origin. This year, the project travels to a new, larger space: l’Antiga Farinera, a former flour factory from 1822 built around a tower dated from the 12th and 13th centuries.


Located in Corçà, a small medieval village in the region of Baix Empordà (Girona), l’Antiga Farinera’s 500 square metres will hold an exhibition from the programs of the three galleries, coupled with a selection of guest artists from different generations. The proposal will revolve around the concept of movement, and will be accompanied by parallel activities with artists and other cultural agents throughout the summer period.


Text by Ángela Segovia




Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Fonteta, June 17 – August 28, 2022


Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen, Ángela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats



We are delighted to present again a collaborative project of galleries Bombon, Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard. The proposal for this season once again brings together artists from the three galleries and from different generations in an exhibition format that will be based on the exquisite corpse principle, with a text by Eduard Escoffet written for the occasion.


Focusing on this act of collective exchange, during the summer of 2022, the artists invited to participate, the first of them Pere Noguera (La Bisbal, Girona; 1941), will be in charge of selecting the first group of artists, and so on, until the end of a series of exhibition proposals made up of works spanning different generations and imaginaries.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Chapter 1: opening Saturday June 25
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Room 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Room 2)


Chapter 2: opening Saturday July 16
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Room 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Room 2)


Chapter 3: opening Saturday August 6
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Room 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Room 2)


Chapter 4: opening Thursday 18
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Room 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Room 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
June: Friday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm
July and Aug: Monday to Sunday, 5 – 9 pm




Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelacions sobre una esfera informe.

Fonteta, 17 Juny – 28 Agost, 2022


Estem contents de tornar a presentar el projecte col·laboratiu de Bombon, Joan Prats i NoguerasBlanchard a Fonteta (Empordà). La proposta per a aquesta temporada reuneix de nou artistes de les tres galeries i de diferents generacions en un format expositiu que s’articula talment es tractés d’un cadàver exquisit. El poeta Eduard Escoffet ha escrit un text de presentació d’aquest projecte.


Partint d’aquest mateix acte d’intercanvi col·lectiu, durant l’estiu de 2022, els artistes convidats en l’espai, el primer dels quals és el Bisbalenc Pere Noguera, seran els encarregats de seleccionar als següents, i així consecutivament, fins a tancar un cicle de propostes expositives formades per obres que abasten diferents generacions i imaginaris.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Capítol 1: inauguració dissabte 25 de juny
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Sala 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Sala 2)


Capítol 2: inauguració dissabte 16 de juliol
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Sala 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Sala 2)


Capítol 3: inauguració dissabte 6 d’agost
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Sala 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Sala 2)


Capítol 4: inauguració dissabte 18 d’agost
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Sala 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Sala 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
Juny: Divendres a diumenge de 17 – 21h
Jul i Ago: Dilluns a diumenge 17 – 21h