Tag Archives: bombon projects

Revelations on a Shapeless Sphere

Revelacions sobre una esfera informe.

Fonteta, 17 Juny – 28 Agost, 2022


Estem contents de tornar a presentar el projecte col·laboratiu de Bombon, Joan Prats i NoguerasBlanchard a Fonteta (Empordà). La proposta per a aquesta temporada reuneix de nou artistes de les tres galeries i de diferents generacions en un format expositiu que s’articula talment es tractés d’un cadàver exquisit. El poeta Eduard Escoffet ha escrit un text de presentació d’aquest projecte.


Partint d’aquest mateix acte d’intercanvi col·lectiu, durant l’estiu de 2022, els artistes convidats en l’espai, el primer dels quals és el Bisbalenc Pere Noguera, seran els encarregats de seleccionar als següents, i així consecutivament, fins a tancar un cicle de propostes expositives formades per obres que abasten diferents generacions i imaginaris.



Text Eduard Escoffet



Capítol 1: inauguració dissabte 25 de juny
Pere Noguera, Luis Gordillo, Ludovica Carbotta (Sala 1)
Pere Noguera, Anna Dot, The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin (Sala 2)


Capítol 2: inauguració dissabte 16 de juliol
Ludovica Carbotta, Muntadas, Francesco Arena (Sala 1)
The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Jordi Mitjà, Rasmus Nilausen (Sala 2)


Capítol 3: inauguració dissabte 6 d’agost
Francesco Arena, Victoria Civera, Perejaume (Sala 1)
Rasmus Nilausen, Angela de la Cruz, Lola Lasurt (Sala 2)


Capítol 4: inauguració dissabte 18 d’agost
Perejaume, Pere Llobera, Ignacio Uriarte (Sala 1)
Lola Lasurt, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Fernando Prats (Sala 2)



c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona
Juny: Divendres a diumenge de 17 – 21h
Jul i Ago: Dilluns a diumenge 17 – 21h


Estar a la lluna

FONTETA – Bombon · Joan Prats · NoguerasBlanchard

Capítol II: Estar a la lluna (Head in the clouds)


Opening: 7th of August, 12am-9pm

Exhibition until 26th of September

c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona


August: Monday to Sunday, 5-9pm

September: Friday to Sunday, 5-9pm

or by appointment: (+34) 644 524 969



We’re delighted to present the second chapter of the joint project by Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard in Fonteta, a small village in the Emporda region.


The exhibition, conceived in two chapters (the first opening June 19th and the second August 7th) brings together artists from three different generations. The proposal begins with a concept from the Emporda Parar la fresca (to take in fresh air) described by Josep Pla in the book “Las Horas”.



Text by Gabriel Ventura



“Perhaps because for so many centuries it has been out of reach, it has awakened the most fantastical dreams, those which are most passionate and hidden. Its charm will always be on behalf of the nighttime, of the occult and intuition, of secrecy and excess. The moon -which dilates and dwarfs cat’s eyes, makes tides rise and fall, and inflates and deflates frogs continues to fascinate us with the same fervour of ancient times, even though we have already stepped upon it gingerly, and now some enlightened entrepreneurs plan to build hotels with galactic views. But let’s not fool ourselves: the colonising eagerness of Jeff Bezos and company will not be able to bring closer or make more comprehensible the mysteries of the White Hare or the Spider Woman.


Eternally distant, the moon has been worshiped by witches and vampires, by poets and fortune-tellers. As much as science tries to conquer it, the lunar mercurial light projects us towards remote and inscrutable futures, and invites us to reflect on the shadows and myths of the human condition. Throughout history we have linked it to fertility and the unconscious, to death and resurrection, to the repetition of life’s cycles. The first inscribed annotations on artefacts and tools from the Palaeolithic era consist of lunar records. In fact, is very likely that before the advent of agriculture, societies were organised according to a lunar temporal cycle, as demonstrated by Alexander Marshack’s research in The Roots of Civilization.


Unlike the sun, the omnipotent and constant star, the moon goes through phases; it waxes and wanes, dwindles, bends, and transforms. For this reason, there has been a historical tendency to represent what is immutable with the sun (God), and that which is changing and material with the moon (for example, Plato’s sublunar and mortal kingdom, the land of doubt and shadows). Inevitably, for millennia, human species has found its counterpart in the drama of the moon: being born, growing up, reproducing (the belly of the full moon), and dying. If the solar syntax divides and ranks –W.B. Yeats accused the sun of offering “complex and contrived” truths– the lunar syntax mixes and confuses the forms by being evasive, emotional, fluid. Symbolically, the moon evokes the imaginative, contingent, and ambiguous world of existence, which contrasts against absolute solar truths shaping an ideal world of being. It is impossible to look directly at the sun, it is impossible to enter into a dialogue with its dazzling presence. The moon, on the other hand, illuminates paths from the brinks of the sky and, in the words of Lorca, shamelessly shows its “one hundred identical faces”. Illusion, delirium, chimera, madness, chaos, dispersion (estar a la lluna 1): the attributes of the queen of the night suggest the transgression of daytime norms.


Lilacs and electric blues, striking yellows and raging reds, fluorescent greens that shoot up from the dark, like a scream piercing the conscience. The colours of the night sharpen the nerves as well as the eye; they make us untrusting, and we sense the intermittent heartbeat of danger.


A tremor runs down our backs: is it real, what we have seen? Can we believe in the images and words that appear under Selene’s cold light? Perhaps, deep down, being on the moon is one of the most fruitful and perplexing ways to be on Earth -not taking anything for granted, continuing to be suspicious, and looking up at the unfathomable secrets of the universe.


Gabriel Ventura



Capítol I: Parar la fresca (To take in fresh air)

Fonteta Teresa Solar

FONTETA – Bombon · Joan Prats · NoguerasBlanchard

Capítol I: Parar la fresca (To take in fresh air)


Opening: 18th-19th of June. Exhibition until 3rd of August

c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona


June and September: Friday to Sunday, 5-9pm

July and August: Monday to Sunday, 5-9pm

or by appointment: (+34) 644 524 969


Text by Gabriel Ventura.


We’re delighted to present a joint project by Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard, from June to September, in Fonteta, a small village in the Emporda region.


The exhibition, conceived in two chapters (the first opening June 19th and the second August 7th) brings together artists from three different generations. The proposal begins with a concept from the Emporda Parar la fresca (to take in fresh air) described by Josep Pla in the book “Las Horas”.


Parar la fresca, as Pla states, is the summer habit of taking a chair out into the street, or up onto a rooftop as the sun begins to fall and simply letting time pass. Parar la fresca has modest intentions, to ignore the heavens, to be blissfully unaware of what the sky offers us whilst sounds flow from the sunset and the summer heat. As Pla argues, there is nothing more pleasurable or kind than falling asleep in the fresh twilight. But what if one does not fall sleep easily?


Taking this question as a point of departure, works have been selected by artists addressing topics such as nature, landscape, time, contemplation, and the universe. They have been divided into two moments: Parar la fresca and Estar a la lluna. Two chapters of the same exhibition with artists such as Antoni Tàpies, Ana Mendieta, Joan Brossa, Hernández Pijuan, Rosa Tharrats, Perejaume, Teresa Solar, Jordi Mitjà, Aldo Urbano, Chema Madoz, Mari Eastman, Enric Farrés Duran, Wilfredo Prieto o Juan Uslé… amongst others. In addition, specific actions will be carried out by some of the artists linked to the Emporda.


In Pla’s words, “The vast sky dome, they say, invites us to think. That is true. But think about what?” The renowned Emporda author concludes that “people who have a sense of ridicule think, before the heavens, that they know nothing at all.”



* Capítol II: Estar a la lluna (Head in the clouds)

Parar la fresca

Capítol I: Parar la fresca

Inauguració: 18-19 de juny. Exposició fins al 3 d’agost

c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona


Joan Brossa, Hannah Collins, Anne-Lise Coste, Bernat Daviu, Enric Farrés Duran, Hernández Pijuan, Marine Hugonnier, Chema Madoz, Josep Maynou, Ana Mendieta, Jordi Mitjà, Luna Paiva, Perejaume, Wilfredo Prieto, Antoni Tàpies, Rosa Tharrats



Capítol II: Estar a la lluna

Inauguració: 7 d’agost. Exposició fins al 26 de setembre


Mari Eastman, Joana Escoval, Alicia Kopf, Jordi Mitjà, Perejaume, Joan Ponç, Julião Sarmento, Teresa Solar, Antoni Tapies, Aldo Urbano, Juan Uslé, Richard Wentworth





Presentem un projecte conjunt de Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats i NoguerasBlanchard, de juny a setembre, a Fonteta, un petit poble de l’Empordà.


L’exposició, concebuda en dos capítols que s’inauguraran el 18-19 de juny i el 7 d’agost, reuneix artistes de les tres galeries i de diferents generacions, en una proposta que parteix del concepte empordanès Parar la Fresca (Prendre la fresca), descrit per Josep Pla en el llibre “Les Hores”.


Parar la fresca, com diu Pla, és el costum estival de treure la cadira al carrer o al terrat quan el sol comença a caure i, així, passar l’estona. Parar la fresca té pretensions modestes, bàsicament fer una becaina sota el firmament, ignorant la meravella que el cel ens ofereix, els sons que emanen del vesprejar, de la calor estival. Segons argumenta Pla, no hi ha res més plaent ni amable que adormir-se prenent la fresca crepuscular. Però, i què succeeix si hom no té el son fàcil?


A partir d’aquest interrogant, s’han seleccionat obres d’artistes que transiten temes com la naturalesa, el paisatge, el temps, la contemplació, l’univers … I s’han dividit en dos moments: Parar la fresca i Estar a la lluna, dos capítols d’una mateixa exposició amb artistes com Antoni Tàpies, Ana Mendieta, Joan Brossa, Hernández Pijuan, Rosa Tharrats, Perejaume, Teresa Solar, Jordi Mitjà, Aldo Urbano, Chema Madoz, Mari Eastman, Enric Farrés Duran, Wilfredo Prieto o Juan Uslé… entre d’altres. Així mateix, es realitzaran accions específiques d’alguns dels artistes vinculats a l’Empordà.


En paraules de Pla, “la volta del cel invita, segons diuen, a pensar. És cert. Però a pensar què?” Conclou el cèlebre empordanès que “les persones que posseeixen el sentit del ridícul pensen, davant del firmament, que no saben res de res”.





Presentamos un proyecto conjunto de Bombon, Joan Prats y NoguerasBlanchard, de junio a septiembre en Fonteta, un pequeño pueblo del Empordà.


La exposición, concebida en dos capítulos que se inaugurarán el 18-19 de junio y el 7 de agosto, reúne artistas de las tres galerías y de diferentes generaciones, en una propuesta que parte del concepto ampurdanés Parar la fresca’ (Tomar el fresco), descrito por Josep Pla en el libro “Las Horas”.


Parar la fresca, como dice Pla, es la costumbre estival de sacar la silla a la calle o a la azotea cuando el sol empieza a caer y, así, pasar el rato. ‘Parar la fresca’ tiene pretensiones modestas, básicamente echar una cabezada bajo el firmamento, ignorando la maravilla que el cielo nos ofrece, los sonidos que emanan del atardecer, del calor estival. Según argumenta Pla, no hay nada más placentero ni amable que dormirse tomando el fresco crepuscular. Pero, ¿y qué sucede si uno no tiene el sueño fácil?


A partir de este interrogante, se han seleccionado obras de artistas que transitan temas como la naturaleza, el paisaje, el tiempo, la contemplación, el universo… Y se han dividido en dos momentos: Parar la fresca y Estar a la lluna, dos capítulos de una misma exposición con artistas como Antoni Tàpies, Ana Mendieta, Joan Brossa, Hernández Pijuan, Rosa Tharrats, Perejaume, Teresa Solar, Jordi Mitjà, Aldo Urbano, Chema Madoz, Mari Eastman, Enric Farrés Duran, Wilfredo Prieto o Juan Uslé… entre otros. Así mismo, se realizarán acciones específicas de algunos de los artistas vinculados al Empordà.


En palabras de Pla, “la bóveda celeste invita, según dicen, a pensar. Es cierto. Pero, ¿a pensar en qué?” Concluye el célebre ampurdanés que “las personas que poseen sentido del ridículo piensan, ante el firmamento, que no saben nada de nada”.





We’re delighted to present a joint project by Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard, from June to September, in Fonteta, a small village in the Emporda region.



The exhibition, conceived in two chapters (the first opening June 19th and the second August 7th) brings together artists from three different generations. The proposal begins with a concept from the Emporda Parar la fresca (to take in fresh air) described by Josep Pla in the book “Las Horas”. 


Parar la fresca, as Pla states, is the summer habit of taking a chair out into the street, or up onto a rooftop as the sun begins to fall and simply letting time pass. Parar la fresca has modest intentions, to ignore the heavens, to be blissfully unaware of what the sky offers us whilst sounds flow from the sunset and the summer heat. As Pla argues, there is nothing more pleasurable or kind than falling asleep in the fresh twilight. But what if one does not fall sleep easily? 


Taking this question as a point of departure, works have been selected by artists addressing topics such as nature, landscape, time, contemplation, and the universe. They have been divided into two moments: Parar la fresca and Estar a la lluna. Two chapters of the same exhibition with artists such as Antoni Tàpies, Ana Mendieta, Joan Brossa, Hernández Pijuan, Rosa Tharrats, Perejaume, Teresa Solar, Jordi Mitjà, Aldo Urbano, Chema Madoz, Mari Eastman, Enric Farrés Duran, Wilfredo Prieto o Juan Uslé… amongst others. In addition, specific actions will be carried out by some of the artists linked to the Emporda.


In Pla’s words, “The vast sky dome, they say, invites us to think. That is true. But think about what?” The renowned Emporda author concludes that “people who have a sense of ridicule think, before the heavens, that they know nothing at all.”