Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, Ibirapuera Park, São Paulo

06.09 – 10.12.2023


Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announces the full list of 120 participants of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel, and the exhibit and spatial design, developed by the architects of Vão.


The announcement of the full list of participants consolidates the curatorial collective’s intensive research on the urgencies of today’s world and unveils the different formats, movements and understandings of the title choreographies of the impossible. With 120 names confirmed, the complete list echoes the voices of diasporas and native peoples, broadening local and international dialogue.


According to the curators: “The participants in this Bienal challenge the impossible in its most varied and incalculable forms. They live in impossible contexts, develop strategies of circumvention, cross limits, and escape from the impossibilities of the world in which they live. They deal with total violence, the impossibility of life in full freedom, inequalities, and their artistic expressions are transformed by the very impossibilities of our time. This Bienal embraces the impossible, the choreographies of the impossible, as a politics of movement and political movements interwoven into artistic expressions. It is an invitation to move among artists who transcend the idea of a progressive, linear, western time. Impossibility is the guiding thread and the main criterion that guides the selection of these participants.”



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Lola Lasurt

14/09, 18.00h-20.30h Opening

18.30h: visit by Lola Lasurt with Esther Guillén and Neus Miró

25/10, 19.30h: visit by Lola Lasurt

10/11, 19.00h: finissage and visit by Lola Lasurt


Lola Lasurt’s project for the upcoming Barcelona Gallery Weekend wants to vindicate abstract artistic practices that interest the artist through her painting, she tries to paint abstraction figuratively.


The project has two parts with which Lasurt approaches pictorially, first, the Escuela de Vallecas (1920-39) and, later, the ceramics of Esther Guillén (Lleida, 1943). This artist has produced relevant and little-known work since the 1960s, characterized by an abstraction based on organic forms that, according to Lasurt, seems to be influenced by the artistic avant-garde prior to the Spanish Civil War and also by ceramic artistic practices that took place during the last years of the dictatorship and the first years of the democracy. Many of these practices were influenced by the lessons that Angelina Alòs taught from the thirties to the eighties at the Escola del Treball in Barcelona.


A selection of ceramics by Esther Guillén will be presented in the exhibition, together with the works by Lola Lasurt. Lasurt thus composes an exhibition device that generates a genealogy of practices through formally connected works and elements.


Text by Neus Miró (cultural manager and independent curator)


Map and artworks list

11 de septiembre de 1973 fernando-prats

14 Julio, 2023 – 30 Septiembre, 2023

MAC Parque Forestal, Santiago de Chile


Inauguración 13 de julio, 18h



La obra de Fernando Prats está determinada por su relación con la naturaleza y el territorio, enraizada en los vínculos que establece con Chile. A lo largo de su trayectoria ha acuñado el término “geologicidad pictórica”, que comprende la pintura como un agente movilizador, una superficie activa que funciona a través de capas que se abren a nuevos desplazamientos. De estos desplazamientos surge la utilización del humo, elemento primordial en su trabajo, pues permite capturar las huellas y pulsaciones de la pintura. 


El humo es un signo que anuncia un acontecimiento, y ha sido utilizado históricamente por las culturas en el mundo, evocando la memoria, lo ritual, lo insurrecto y las catástrofes. La historia de Chile está plagada de hechos que a través del humo permiten generar un relato político-simbólico, desde las culturas originarias hasta la reciente revuelta y para su exposición en MAC Parque Forestal, el artista plantea al museo como un soporte en sí mismo para la obra en términos arquitectónicos, políticos, geográficos y geológicos.



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