Tag Archives: joan brossa

Art Brussels 2023

Art Brussels 2023 | Galeria Joan Prats,



Rediscovery programme, a presentation of works by




Art Brussels preview:  ENG    FR


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Joan Prats and Nogueras Blanchard’s proposal for Art Brussels 2023 introduces a dialogue between the work of Joan Brossa (Barcelona, 1919 – 1998) and Perejaume (Sant Pol de Mar, 1957). In 1975, Perejaume was fascinated by the first monographic study of Brossa’s poetical work. The interest was mutual, since Brossa was astonished by the combination of surrealism and romanticism depicted in Perejaume’s early work. Being artists of different generations, Brossa and Perejaume crossed paths in their unique approach to poetry through objects, gestures and visual representations.


For Art Brussels we present a selection of historical works – from 1980 to 1990 – a key moment for both Brossa and Perejaume. During this period, Brossa mainly produced “object-poems”; artworks that combine everyday life objects that he decontextualizes from their original function to expand their critical nature. Likewise, Perejaume moved from “painting-painting” to “depainting”. Like Brossa, Perejaume used to manipulate his materials and symbols in a way that does not always indicate a specific point of view but rather approaches the state of the image through inversions of meaning.


These works by Brossa and Perejaume want to enhance the affinity between their ways of seeing poetry and influence. For Perejaume, painting is an exercise of occultation, of veiling with a succession of layers. Metamorfosador attends to this logic by pointing out the origin. By covering the stretcher with a canvas, Perejaume reveals the pictorial gesture of the background. The potential transformation of objects and their concealment are also reflected in Brossa’s object-poems. Eclipsi or Puzzle cease to be objects to become poetic artifacts that are born as an ironic game that generates estrangement in the viewer. Likewise, Projeccions, by Perejaume, and Sense paisatge, by Brossa, hide, show and superimpose points of view, images and objects to rebel against rigid meanings. 


Joan Brossa

Fundació Joan Brossa, Barcelona 

15.03 – 16.07.2023


Aquest projecte és una recerca que pren la forma d’instal·lació expositiva per explicar la intensa dedicació que va mostrar Joan Brossa al que ell anomenava el “parateatre”, la poesia en escena, la poesia en directe. Segons Joan M. Minguet, comissari d’aquesta mostra, el mateix Brossa va conrear aquesta disciplina escènica que, en comptes de centrar-se en la tradició literària del teatre, ha buscat des de temps immemorials el contacte amb l’espectador a través de la fascinació, de la sorpresa, de l’ocurrència, de tot allò que succeeix a un escenari (o a una pista circense, o a un carrer o una plaça) que no té que veure amb l’argument i la narració. O, en tot cas, que no suposen l’eix vertebrador de l’acció o de l’obra.


Brossa sempre va sentir-se admirat pel transformista Fregoli, personatge que podem considerar estendard d’aquesta mirada oberta que el poeta tenia cap a camps tan variats com la màgia, la pantomima, el circ, els pallassos, el cinema dels primers temps (amb aquelles pel·lícules on tot era trucatge), el teatre visual més contemporani. I entremig de tots els personatges i accions que van captivar Brossa, mostrarem la seva producció (visual, literària, teatral) a la llum d’aquesta poètica de l’encís.


Però Fregoli no serà l’únic personatge que tindrem convidat a la Brossa, sinó que s’abordarà la seva relació i col·laboracions amb una constel·lació d’artistes contemporanis (i d’altres generacions): Hausson, Christa Lem, Pep Bou o Tortell Poltrona però també iniciatives com la Fira del Teatre de Tàrrega o el Festival de Pallassos Charlie Rivel de Cornellà de Llobregat. D’aquesta manera, el llibre també serà una visió panoràmica del sistema parateatral català d’un moment determinat.


Tot l’edifici de La Seca, situat al bell mig del Born de Barcelona i amb una important identitat patrimonial i arquitectònica en ser una antiga fàbrica de moneda, serà transformat a través d’aquesta mirada brossiana i parateatral de la mà de Javier Morera, qui signa el disseny d’espais. El públic podrà transitar per diferents recons de l’edifici que, a través de la màgia i la instal·lació, es transformaran gràcies a la mirada del poeta. S’inclouran obres visuals (poemes objecte, poemes visuals, llibres d’artista) que Brossa va dedicar al món de l’imaginari teatral (o parateatral); reculls fotogràfics i documentals de la col·laboració de Brossa amb artistes de l’escena; documents i obres que acostaran el públic a l’imaginari del transformisme, la màgia, el circ, al cinema de trucatge o l’streptease. Joan M. Minguet, curador de l’exposició, fragmentarà el relat que es repartirà per tot l’edifici, trencant fronteres disciplinàries i jugant amb tot allò que sembla i no és.




Encara hi ha altres Brosses: Visita guiada a l’exposició a cura del comissari Joan Maria Minguet. Aquesta sessió forma part de l’etapa de formació del programa PIC.
Dates: 22 de març, 17 de maig, 14 de juny | Hora: 18 h. Reservar 


Muntar Brossa sense Brossa? Conversa entre Teresa Grandas i Joan Maria Minguet a propòsit de la curadoria d’exposicions sobre Joan Brossa.
Data: 28 de març | 18 h. Reservar 


Sobre les teatralitats de Brossa i altres xafarderies: Lectura dramatitzada de la taula rodona pseudoficcionalitatzada d’Eduard Olesti i presentació del llibre Altres Brosses.
Data: 14 d’abril | 18 h


Parateatralitats contemporànies: Transformismes de cos i espai amb Frau Diamanda. Aquesta sessió forma part de l’etapa de formació del programa PIC.
Data: 26 d’abril | 18 h
Entrades a 3 €. Reservar


Projecció del documental Music-Hall a Catalunya (1983), enregistrat al Teatre Arnau el 9 de març del 1983 amb la participació de Joan Brossa, Pep Bou, Tortell Poltrona, Christa Leem, Selvin, Hausson, Manel Barceló i Kirman.
Data: 25 de maig | 18 h
Entrades a 3 €. Reservar


Violència i disrupció del fet parateatral: L’afora també és una espècie de dins amb projecte g0-g0 i performance de Kha. Aquesta sessió forma part de l’etapa de formació del programa PIC.
Data: 8 de juny | 18 h
Entrades a 3 €. Reservar


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the magic carpet

Documentary film: ‘The magic carpet. Voices to remember Joan de Muga’


The exhibition ‘The Magic Carpet. For Joan de Muga’ is a tribute to Joan de Muga, founder and director of Joan Prats Gallery since 1976, when it opened, until 2020. The exhibition will bring together the work of artists who have been part of the gallery since the beginning to the present, together with photographs, letters, videos and documentation, to explain the history of the gallery and also Ediciones Polígrafa and other projects by Joan de Muga such as Fundació Espai Poblenou.


We will show works by Juan Araujo, Francis Bacon, Alfons Borrell, Joan Brossa, Cabrita, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Chillida, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Victoria Civera, Hannah Collins, Helen Frankenthaler, Luis Gordillo, Guinovart, Hernández Pijuan, Wifredo Lam, Louise Lawler, Miralda, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Muntadas, Pablo Palazuelo, Perejaume, Joan Ponç, Fernando Prats, Ràfols Casamada, Caio Reisewitz, Julião Sarmento, George Segal, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Juan Uslé, Eulàlia Valldosera, Sue Williams


The title of the exhibition is inspired by a drawing by Joan Ponç dedicated to Joan de Muga, in which he portrayed him on a flying carpet. This sketch refers to his enterprising and visionary character, his passion for traveling and for imagining new projects.


We are organizing the exhibition with the complicity of Carles Guerra, who will write the text of the publication that we will publish later.

Fundació Joan Brossa, Sala X

16/12/2021 – 15/05/2022



El Ganxo és una peça de Lola Lasurt que s’emmarca dins del programa Gabinet Brossa, el qual consisteix en una producció artística fruit d’un procés de recerca a l’arxiu de Joan Brossa dipositat al Centre de Documentació i Arxivística del MACBA.



El Ganxo parteix d’una doble investigació: per una banda es fixa en la poesia escènica de Brossa aplicada a l’òpera de Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny i, per altra banda, al voltant de l’auto-organització de grups de teatre amateurs i semi-professionals actius des dels últims anys del franquisme, per proposar-los com a teló de fons. Però, de tot el material recopilat, se centra en una única imatge representada en el passat per convertir-la en una imatge de violència present, en la qual, com en el món de les faules, el retrat de la societat personifica el món animal.



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Fonteta Teresa Solar

FONTETA – Bombon · Joan Prats · NoguerasBlanchard

Capítol I: Parar la fresca (To take in fresh air)


Opening: 18th-19th of June. Exhibition until 3rd of August

c/ Empordà, 10, Fonteta, Girona


June and September: Friday to Sunday, 5-9pm

July and August: Monday to Sunday, 5-9pm

or by appointment: (+34) 644 524 969


Text by Gabriel Ventura.


We’re delighted to present a joint project by Bombon, Galeria Joan Prats and NoguerasBlanchard, from June to September, in Fonteta, a small village in the Emporda region.


The exhibition, conceived in two chapters (the first opening June 19th and the second August 7th) brings together artists from three different generations. The proposal begins with a concept from the Emporda Parar la fresca (to take in fresh air) described by Josep Pla in the book “Las Horas”.


Parar la fresca, as Pla states, is the summer habit of taking a chair out into the street, or up onto a rooftop as the sun begins to fall and simply letting time pass. Parar la fresca has modest intentions, to ignore the heavens, to be blissfully unaware of what the sky offers us whilst sounds flow from the sunset and the summer heat. As Pla argues, there is nothing more pleasurable or kind than falling asleep in the fresh twilight. But what if one does not fall sleep easily?


Taking this question as a point of departure, works have been selected by artists addressing topics such as nature, landscape, time, contemplation, and the universe. They have been divided into two moments: Parar la fresca and Estar a la lluna. Two chapters of the same exhibition with artists such as Antoni Tàpies, Ana Mendieta, Joan Brossa, Hernández Pijuan, Rosa Tharrats, Perejaume, Teresa Solar, Jordi Mitjà, Aldo Urbano, Chema Madoz, Mari Eastman, Enric Farrés Duran, Wilfredo Prieto o Juan Uslé… amongst others. In addition, specific actions will be carried out by some of the artists linked to the Emporda.


In Pla’s words, “The vast sky dome, they say, invites us to think. That is true. But think about what?” The renowned Emporda author concludes that “people who have a sense of ridicule think, before the heavens, that they know nothing at all.”



* Capítol II: Estar a la lluna (Head in the clouds)

La naturaleza de las cosas

Chema Madoz. La naturaleza de las cosas y su eco en la colección.


Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid


Del 16 de enero al 2 de mayo de 2021


Exposición comisariada por Oliva María Rubio



La exposición de Chema Madoz que ahora acoge el Museo Patio Herreriano es una buena oportunidad para conocer el trabajo del artista madrileño y de situarlo en una suerte de genealogía. Se establece un diálogo con artistas de la colección del Museo, con los que comparte una sensibilidad semántica y estética. Así, a las fotografías de Madoz se suman las imágenes de los objetos deconstruidos y recompuestos de Ángel Ferrant o el material escultórico de Joan Brossa y Perejaume. Cobran especial significación en este contexto las fotografías de Ángel Ferrant que documentan los objetos que mostró en las Galerías Syras de Barcelona a principios de los años treinta y que más tarde, no contento con su resultado, destruyó. Estas fotografías delatan un interés por el comportamiento de elementos heterogéneos que se encuentra en una esfera próxima a la de Chema Madoz. No es menos conocida la relación del fotógrafo con Joan Brossa, a través de la tensión entre los objetos y las ideas que también cultiva, con similar aliento poético, Perejaume.


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Diàlegs intrusos

Diàlegs intrusos. Tot és present.

13.11.2020 – 7.11.2021.

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.

Comissariat: Sergi Aguilar i Àlex Mitrani.


La irrupció l’art de la segona avantguarda sorgit amb posterioritat a la Guerra Civil espanyola i a la Segona Guerra Mundial, representa no només una ampliació lògica de la cronologia del museu sinó que també l’aparició d’una sèrie d’obres que, pel seu esperit de modernitat i la seva transgressió de categories culturals i formats tècnics tradicionals, posa en qüestió les maneres de mirar i la mateixa concepció d’obra d’art.


Artistes: José María Sicilia, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Joan Brossa, Eduardo Chillida, Juli González, Lucio Fontana, entre d’altres.


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A Storm in a Teacup & Sideshow of a sideshow, 2012

exposure:the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place (Cambridge Dictionary)


Exposures is a series of online exhibitions that aims to reflect on topics related to the current context, and around the general idea of ‘The body and the other’.


Exposures #02. The word 

The second proposal brings together conceptual practices around the word and the language, basic tools in our relationship with the world and with others.

The works of Erick Beltrán, Joan Brossa, Pauline Bastard, Muntadas, Javier Peñafiel, Perejaume, Teresa Solar and Anna Dot (guest artist) propose texts, phrases, messages, statements, which become resources for the analysis of reality, characterized by their critical and transforming character of the art system and society.

The works presented reflect the relationship between word and image and use various linguistic strategies. In the case of Teresa Solar‘s work, she plays with the aesthetics of phonetics and language learning posters. In other cases, language is used from a sound dimension -as in the work of Perejaume-, a sign –Javier Peñafiel– or poetic –Joan Brossa.

In the 2018 Muntadas work, the mechanisms of communication, language and the problematic relationship between the production of knowledge and economic power are analyzed. Also in the case of Erick Beltrán, through language, he dissects the world to classify it, categorize it, differentiate each of its elements in order to try to understand it.

In a more narrative line, Pauline Bastard‘s work starts from objects found casually that allow her to entrust strangers with the writing of creative fictions.

Lastly, we wanted to introduce an action carried out by Anna Dot at the Fundació Brossa in 2019, evidently for her connection with Joan Brossa, but also for her poetic reflection on the construction of words. 

This exhibition will be on view until 10 of June.

Access the exhibition

Centre Cultural-Llibreria Blanquerna, Madrid

Inauguración 14.11.2019 – 19.30h

14.11.2019 – 15.2.2020


Joan Brossa (Barcelona, 1919-1998) y Guillem Viladot (Agramunt, 1922-Barcelona, 1999) son dos de los máximos exponentes de la literatura y de la poesía experimental catalana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Heterodoxos y transgresores, son autores de una obra amplia y diversa que abre la poesía a otras disciplinas y que une y amplía la relación de la poesía con las artes visuales.


Expusieron juntos, por primera vez, en la célebre muestra Poesía concreta. Joan Brossa, Guillem Viladot, Josep Iglésias del Marquet, en la Petite Galerie de Lleida, en 1971. Viladot, autor de Poema de l’home (1973), junto con Iglésias del Marquet, creó en Agramunt el proyecto editorial singular e insólito de Lo Pardal de libros de poesía visual, donde Brossa también publicó su libro Maneres (1976). Pioneros de la poesía visual y objetual en Cataluña y España, su obra es un referente ineludible de la poesía experimental europea más radical.


A partir de la mirada crítica, lírica y lúdica de Brossa y Viladot con el lenguaje, la imagen, los objetos y los signos del alfabeto, esta exposición –retomando el título de un libro de Brossa, Alfabet desbaratat (1998)– presenta una selección de algunos de los poemas visuales, objetos y libros más destacados de los dos creadores.


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Joan Miro Joan Brossa

Con ocasión del centenario del nacimiento de Joan Brossa, uno de los más activos integrantes del grupo vanguardista Dau al Set.


La exposición pone de manifiesto la excelente relación personal y artística entre Joan Miró, y Joan Brossa. Se conocieron a comienzos de la década de los 40. Su colaboración fue tan intensa como su amistad: Miró ilustra libros de Brossa y crea carteles para algunas de sus obras dramáticas. Joan Brossa realiza en 1941 sus primeros poemas visuales (a los que entonces llamaba “experimentales”), animado por Miró. En 1960 Brossa participó, invitado por Miró, en la exposición Poètes, peintres, sculpteurs de la Galeria Maeght de París. Simultáneamente inició su colaboración con el mismo Miró y Tàpies y, con el tiempo, también con artistas como Frederic Amat o Eduardo Chillida.


Su buena relación se manifiesta en numerosos libros, como ‘Oda a Joan Miró’ (1973) y ‘Tres Joans’ (1978) un libro homenaje a los tres Juanes: Miró, Brossa y Prats y que forman parte de la exposición.


Para Joan Brossa, “Miró era, es, verdaderamente, el pintor de los poetas”. Gran lector de poesía, Joan Miró se relaciona estrechamente con el mundo literario que le rodea, como lo atestigua su biblioteca personal, actualmente en la Fundación Miró. La relación de Miró con poetas como Foix, Salvador Espriu o Pere Gimferrer, le llevan a pintar poemas de manera plástica. Miró toma la revolución poética como un principio moral con el que poder escapar de la tradicional cultura humanística.


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Postil·la a una amistat equivocada (Lorca-Dalí, Brossa-Ponç). Xerrada a càrrec d’ARNAU PUIG



Presentació del llibre d’Edicions Poncianes: Quadern de correspondències de Joan Ponç (Pilar Parcerisas ed.)


Joan Ponç

We are pleased to present the exhibition dedicated to Joan Ponç and Joan Brossa, to be opened on Thursday, November 30rd, and where we will show works by two of the most significant artists in the recovery of avant-garde art in our country after the civil war, united by a creative and personal affinity from the late 40s to the early 50s and also linked to the history of Galeria Joan Prats, where they both would exhibit on several occasions.


In 1982, Joan Brossa showed for the first time in his exhibition at Galeria Joan Prats his object and visual poems, poems that he was making since 1954 and that were by then practically unknown by the public. Later, they would be shown in other exhibitions at the gallery in Barcelona (1989, 1995, 1997) and in New York (1989), and at the Basel Fair (1989). On the other hand, Joan Ponç began his collaboration with Galeria Joan Prats in 1978, with the exhibition Fons de l’ésser. He also exhibited in 1983, Nocturns, in 1987 with drawings from Pre-Dau Al Set period, in 1994 and 1996 with drawings from Suite Geomètrica and in 1980 at the FIAC art fair in Paris.


As Arnau Puig says in the text written for this exhibition, “A temperament and character of the dimensions of Brossa was almost destined to come across someone like Joan Ponç, who came down from the clouds”. This taste for magic, divination and the occult would be one of the points of union between the two artists, who met in 1946. That year they would publish together with Arnau Puig and Enric Tormo the only issue of the magazine “Algol”, which wanted to be a revulsive in front of immobilism and the loss of idealism of their contemporaries. They proposed a renewal of the look that is also visible in the monotypes that Ponç made to accompany the issues of the magazine and that moves away from the predominant naturalist figuration in Spanish art of the time.


In addition to this interest in new artistic forms, the works by Brossa and Ponç coincided thematically in a concern and criticism of society, along with an interest in popular culture, theatre and magic that we already pointed out. That’s why, in those years, collaborations between the two took place: the unpublished book Parafaragaramus (1948), two issues of the magazine “Dau Al Set” (January, 1949 and an unpublished one), the book Em va fer Joan Brossa (1951), where a portrait of Joan Brossa by Joan Ponç appears, considered the most direct and sincere portrait the poet has ever had. The Brossa-Ponç relationship was also reflected in the poems by Brossa alluding to Ponç and in several Ponç drawings: the Dibuixos podrits (1947) and the Metamorfosis (1947), the Joan Brossa-Joan Ponç suite (1947), the cover of the book Dragolí by Brossa (1950), or the gouache Brossa, Brossa (1950), that we show in this exhibition.


Brossa and Ponç were at the time two standard bearers of the aesthetic renovation, following the steps of J.V. Foix and Joan Miró. Brossa, who had met Miró in 1941 through the hat maker and patron Joan Prats, at J.V. Foix’s home, would introduce them Joan Ponç. “Dau Al Set” would help to restore bridges with the avant-garde of ADLAN, promoted by Joan Prats and Joaquim Gomis, and GATCPAC.


After this period of affinity and creativity, in 1953 Joan Ponç went to Brazil, and each artist continued his own journey. On his return to Catalonia, in 1962, Brossa was already very far from magic surrealism and was moving by an antipoetry linked to reality while doing plastic experiments of what would be his visual poetry. Their bond would be diluted. For Brossa, Ponç would always be linked to “Dau Al Set”.


This exhibition aims to show the trajectories of the two artists: a first part, with works from the period “Dau Al Set”, the moment of greatest affinity between Joan Brossa and Joan Ponç, and a second part of the exhibition, with later works, that allow to see their evolutions in the plastic field, and that they are reflected in the same way as in the Joan Brossa-Joan Ponç suite (1947).


Barcelona, 1919-1998


Joan Brossa, poet, playwright and artist, was one of the founders of the magazine “Dau Al Set”, together with Ponç, Cuixart, Arnau Puig, Tàpies and Tharrats, and author of an interdisciplinary work, characterized by experimentation with language and use of all kinds of techniques and styles. In 1960 he participated, invited by Joan Miró, in the exhibition Poètes, peintres, sculpteurs in the Galerie Maeght in Paris, at the same time that he began to collaborate with Miró and Tàpies and, later, with artists such as Alfons Borrell, Chillida, José Niebla, Perejaume, among others. In the international scene, he participated in important exhibitions such as the São Paulo (1994) and Venice (1997) biennials. Among the individual exhibitions stand out those made in the Musée d’Art Moderne de Céret and the Musée de Collioure (1990); at the Center International de Poésie de Marseille; in the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, Madrid (1991); in the Kunstmuseum Malmö, Sweden (1993); at the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Palma de Mallorca (1994); at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Monterrey and at the Carrillo Gil Museum of Art in Mexico; in the Museum Fridericianum in Kassel and in the Städtische Galerie in Göppingen, Germany (1998), among others. After his death, in 2001 the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona dedicated him an important anthological exhibition and in 2017 MACBA presents the Poesia Brossa exhibition, a review of the artist’s work through books, visual searches, theater, cinema, music, action arts, etc.

Prova rebutjada (Tout va bien)


Prova rebutjada (Tout va bien) -*Evidence rejected (Everything’s OK)– offers a journey through works united by their liminal character and by their poetic way of determining their political status, common thread of their method of resistance.


The name of the exhibition combines the titles of two works presented in the exhibition: Prova rebutjada, by Joan Brossa, and Tout va bien, by Muntadas. While the first title asserts with administrative rigor a reality without revealing that it has no escape, Tout va bien brings an immediate comfort, but projecting a sarcastic precariousness. This declaration, contained in the signs of its ambiguity, casts an ironic light on these triumphalist slogans of the 2000s, slogans that did not hesitate to relate the economic effervescence with promises of happiness. The exhibition brings together, in this line, works that mobilize strategies and micro-political spaces to question hegemonic discourses. In front of the apparent consistency of the dominant narratives, most of the works opt for a juxtaposition of ideas and a brief structure reminiscent of the form of the haiku.


Prova rebutjada (tout va bien) refers to the rhythm of gestures presented in the works: vital and content modest gestures that, instead of claiming their impact, they influence with critical tactics against the established narratives.


Joan Brossa, Cabello/Carceller, Hannah Collins, Carles Congost, Ariadna Guiteras, Lola Lasurt, Mariokissme, Muntadas, Javier Peñafiel, Perejaume.



Curated by: Olivier Collet & Patricia de Muga