Tag Archives: cabrita

Ciclo de Exposições e Conversas

Sala Estúdio, Centro de Artes de Águeda (CAA), Agueda, Portugal

14/01 – 22/02/2023


Numa rápida leitura o desenho para muitos não será mais do que um processo para adornar algo, aliado a um virtuosismo de execução. Mas esta forma de o “olhar” não deixa de ser redutora quanto à sua apreciação. O desenho é muito mais para além disso. O desenho faz parte de um pensamento visual que move o trabalho do artista. A obra de arte nasce como uma interação entre visão e pensamento, sendo corporizada grande parte das vezes através do recurso a este meio de registo. Isto é, poderemos entendê-lo como uma prática intelectual, uma manifestação primeira do pensamento, resultando na materialização visual do que se pensa. Ao longo da História da Arte, verificou-se que o desenho foi sendo relegado para um segundo plano, tido como um mero registo preparatório e que não deveria ser partilhado. Apenas lhe era conferida a função de apoio à elaboração das práticas maiores, ou seja, da pintura e escultura. A partir dos anos 50 e 60 do século passado, foi reconhecido como uma área de criação autónoma, com um estatuto idêntico ao da pintura ou da escultura, podendo assumir-se o desenho, nos seus vários registos, como materialização final, portadora de sentidos autónomos. Os discursos artísticos interdisciplinares, com pontos de partida de várias áreas, adquirem agora um novo corpo, misturando-se e complementando-se, tornando assim as nomenclaturas tradicionais de algum modo obsoletas. As imagens desencadeiam processos no nosso cérebro que as palavras não reconhecem. Desenhar não é apenas um processo artístico, é também pensamento. Desenhar é apropriar-se da realidade, é dar-lhe forma. O desenho é uma das formas mais antigas e perfeitas de interpretação e criação do mundo. Este é o mote para um conjunto de exposições que integram o programa do ciclo “O Desenho como Pensamento”, em que diversos artistas convidados, distintos na sua linguagem conceptual, privilegiam o desenho na sua obra.


Diretor Artístico do Ciclo
Alexandre Baptista


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Soñé que revelabas (Chenab), 2019

Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela

21.10.2022 – 17.04.2023


La muestra “De lugares y cousas. Colección de Arte Banco Sabadell” puede visitarse en el Museo Centro Gaiás, de Santiago de Compostela.


La exposición reflexiona, a través del arte contemporáneo, sobre los símbolos, los significados y los sentidos con los que dotamos y construimos los lugares, y también sobre la relación de la obra artística con los espacios que habita.


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the magic carpet

Documentary film: ‘The magic carpet. Voices to remember Joan de Muga’


The exhibition ‘The Magic Carpet. For Joan de Muga’ is a tribute to Joan de Muga, founder and director of Joan Prats Gallery since 1976, when it opened, until 2020. The exhibition will bring together the work of artists who have been part of the gallery since the beginning to the present, together with photographs, letters, videos and documentation, to explain the history of the gallery and also Ediciones Polígrafa and other projects by Joan de Muga such as Fundació Espai Poblenou.


We will show works by Juan Araujo, Francis Bacon, Alfons Borrell, Joan Brossa, Cabrita, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Chillida, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Victoria Civera, Hannah Collins, Helen Frankenthaler, Luis Gordillo, Guinovart, Hernández Pijuan, Wifredo Lam, Louise Lawler, Miralda, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Muntadas, Pablo Palazuelo, Perejaume, Joan Ponç, Fernando Prats, Ràfols Casamada, Caio Reisewitz, Julião Sarmento, George Segal, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Juan Uslé, Eulàlia Valldosera, Sue Williams


The title of the exhibition is inspired by a drawing by Joan Ponç dedicated to Joan de Muga, in which he portrayed him on a flying carpet. This sketch refers to his enterprising and visionary character, his passion for traveling and for imagining new projects.


We are organizing the exhibition with the complicity of Carles Guerra, who will write the text of the publication that we will publish later.

Earth: A Retrospective.

Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, Valencia

07.07.2022 – 04.06.2023


Bombas Gens Centre d’Art ha invitado a El Ultimo Grito a crear una propuesta expositiva basada en la Colección Per Amor a l’Art. En esta exposición, el diseño opera como narrativa conceptual y material, así como dispositivo curatorial, esbozando una especie de lenguaje del interludio y entablando un diálogo que abre una aproximación especulativa a la naturaleza de esta colección y de sus obras individuales.


“Earth: A Retrospective” muestra la Colección Per Amor a l’Art como una “geografía creativa” -un concepto de edición desarrollado por Lev Kuleshov, diseñado para colisionar tomas de diferentes lugares para generar un nuevo paisaje sin fisuras donde transcurre la narración. Con este proyecto, El Ultimo Grito mira a la Tierra desde un punto indeterminado en un espacio-tiempo futuro. Un punto en el que nuestra memoria de la Tierra se rompe y nuestro único vínculo con ella es una colección de imágenes donde significado y significante se difuminan; donde nuestra mirada los romantiza en narrativas que buscan encontrar un significado más allá de su historicidad.


Generada en el presente tratando de reimaginar un pasado desde un futuro desconocido, “Earth: A Retrospective” presenta obras de la Colección Per Amor a l’Art y El Ultimo Grito, incluyendo artistas como Cabrita, José María Sicilia, Nobuyoshi Araki, Bleda y Rosa, Joan Cardells, Tacita Dean, Koji Enokura, Elger Esser, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Paul Graham, Jonas Mekas, Mathieu Mercier, Matt Mullican, Thomas Ruff, entre otros.


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espaço pedro cabrita reis

The mayor of Sintra, Basílio Horta, inaugurated this Monday at MU.SA – Museu das Artes de Sintra, the Espaço Pedro Cabrita Reis, where ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’ will be permanently on display.


The space was inaugurated with the presence of the Minister of Culture, Pedro Adão e Silva, in a ceremony in which the artist Pedro Cabrita Reis was awarded the Medal of Municipal Merit, in recognition of all the work carried out.


The new space will permanently exhibit the work ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, in the same place for which it was designed for the exhibition ‘No Reino das Nuvens – as Artistas e a Invenção de Sintra’, which marked the 25th anniversary of the elevation of Sintra to Heritage of the Humanity, between May 27 and October 17, 2021.


The work ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, which now resides in the space for which it was designed, an imposing triptych measuring 351 x 566 cm, contains a metamorphic atmosphere that captures the essence of the place, the landscape, the climate of Sintra, exposing us and confronting us with its uniqueness. 


In addition to ‘Uma Nuvem Negra’, the new space has two works kindly donated by the artist to the Municipality of Sintra that unify the impactful, cohesive and almost cathartic character of the intended ambience for the space. 


The premise for the creation of this space involves the dynamization of an active and attractive program around the work. The program will be based on two structuring pillars: “Habitar o Espaço”, which will be based on initiatives that enhance the physical space itself – on how it is influenced and influences the work – and which are intended to be comprehensive and inclusive; “Habitar o Espaço”, whose proposal is to promote dialogue between the works of art from the Municipal Art Collection and the resident work. To this end, several personalities linked to the artistic and cultural environment will be invited to choose works from the Municipal Art Collection that dialogue, challenge and contrast the resident work. 


Espaço Pedro Cabrita Reis opens to the public with a challenging exhibition proposal placing side by side the auratic and admirable landscapes of Pedro Cabrita Reis and the fine and delicate landscapes of Alfredo Keil and João Cristino da Silva, united by the natural and human essence of Sintra.



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Camila Cañeque

On May 26, we will open Hole In The Ground, a collective exhibition that brings together works by Cabrita, Camila Cañeque, Hannah Collins, Pablo del Pozo, Mercedes Pimiento and Fernando Prats.


The title of the exhibition, inspired by a David Bowie song, refers to the main theme around the displayed pieces, the concept of territory and its materiality. Some of the works deal with the ways of representing the ground, understood as horizontality, both in nature and in the urban environment. In this way, human activity is put in the spotlight, evidencing aspects such as belonging to a territory, the memory of a place or exploitation of the soil and its impact.


While some of the presented works speak of very specific places, others refer to the material that we step on when walking. Cabrita, in his work Fingerprints, raises a horizontal plane to the wall, thus turning a simple board, a humble material that was surely used as a work surface in his studio, into a testimony of his artistic activity. The artist offers us a new look at an everyday object and also a review of the place of creation.


Camila Cañeque’s work ground on ground on ground shows accumulations of historical layers through grounds. The artist’s work addresses passivity and, in this installation, she uses the notion of the in-between, creating a space that is neither above nor below, before nor after.


Hannah Collins’ work Nomad places emphasis on the surface, on skin, on the outside, signaling the artist’s interest in boundaries – most specifically of the body.  With this portrait of a character whose face remain hidden, the artist allows us to participate through the free interpretation of the image. The artist deals with the historical, the social and the political through images of everyday scene, such as Floor of dreams. This work, made in La Mina, is part of an extensive project by the artist focused on this neighbourhood inhabited mainly by the gypsy community in Barcelona.


In the work of Pablo del Pozo, interest in the territory is a recurring theme. In Tierra rojiza, the artist uses the pig as a symbol of his region of origin, to create a materiality that refers to the stereotyped vision of Extremadura as an arid and dry landscape.


Mercedes Pimiento’s work is characterized by making visible all the material culture that nourishes our society but which we try to hide, turning into sculptures the structures that are hidden in architecture, such as pipes, cables and canals, using organic or artificial materials.


Fernando Prats is interested in the territory of Chile and South America and its representation through historical or reinterpreted maps. In Territorio silenciado #2, he proposes a critical view of a continent condemned to be endlessly exploited. In Affatus, on the other hand, the canvas becomes the territory of creation where, subverting the traditional gesture of the painter, the worms have left their own mark. We also present an unreleased video, Zonificación, accompanied by a work on paper, composed from the projection of the recorded action, and which establishes a dialogue with the spiral staircase of the Macba, in a centrifugal movement that is access, exit, ascend and descend, the body and the architecture in connection and amplification with the Richard Meier building.



Cabrita (Lisbon, 1956) lives and works in Lisbon. His work has received international recognition and has been crucial to the understanding of sculpture since the mid-eighties. In recent years he has had solo exhibitions at CAC Malaga, Mudam Luxembourg, CGAC Santiago de Compostela, Museo Serralves Porto, Palazzo Molina de Cartagena, Mexico, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Galeria Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, Lisbon, MAXXI Rome, The Arts Club of Chicago and Hôtel des Arts, Toulon, France. He has participated in important international exhibitions, such as Documenta IX in Kassel (1992), the 21st and 24th São Paulo Biennial (1994 and 1998), the Venice Biennial (in 1997, in 2003 representing Portugal and in 2013) and the 10th Lyon Biennial (2009). He is currently showing the sculptural installation Les Trois Grâces, at Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, and an installation entitled Field at the 59th Venice Biennale.

Camila Cañeque (Barcelona, 1984) explores in different ways the theme of resistance to progress through performance, sound, objects, installations and writing. She has exhibited in several art centres in Barcelona such as La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Blue Project Foundation, Fabra i Coats, Caixaforum, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, in Madrid and at the Queens Museum of Art, New York. She was a finalist for the Miquel Casablancas Prize and participated in residencies at Mana Contemporary, New Jersey, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Nida Art Colony, Lithuania, ZKU, Berlin, Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, among others.

Hannah Collins (London, 1956). Currently lives between London and Almeria. Between 1989 and 2010, she lived in Barcelona, exhibiting at Galeria Joan Prats since 1992. She was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship, was nominated for the 1993 Turner Prize, and received the 2015 SPECTRUM International Photography Prize, including exhibitions at Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Camden Art Centre in London and Baltic Centre in Newcastle. Among other museums and art centres, she has exhibited at SFMOMA, San Francisco; Centre Pompidou Paris; FRAC Bretagne; Fotomuseum Winterthur; Museo UNAL, Bogotá; Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna; MUDAM Luxembourg; Tate Modern, London; Seoul Museum of Art; VOX image contemporaine, Montreal; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Fundación La Caixa, Madrid and Barcelona; La Laboral, Gijón; Artium, Vitoria; CAC, Málaga.

Pablo del Pozo (Badajoz, 1994) lives and works in Barcelona. Graduated in Fine Arts at the Universitat de Barcelona, he was selected in the Biennial of Valls and has won the Guasch-Coranty Award, participating in the exhibition at the Centre Tecla Sala, in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat. He also participated in the Biennial Jeune Création Européenne with exhibitions in museums in various European cities. He has received the creation award of the Sala d’Art Jove de la Generalitat de Catalunya, exhibiting there in 2018. He was nominated for the Miquel Casablancas Prize, and in 2019 he exhibited individually at the Arranz Bravo Foundation in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Mercedes Pimiento (Seville, 1990) lives and works in Barcelona, where she is pursuing a doctorate in Fine Arts. With a degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Sevilla and a Master’s Degree in Artistic Production and Research from the Universitat de Barcelona, she has been selected for programs and grants such as INJUVE, the Madrid Community Training Program – Open Studio, the Kiosko Project of the José Guerrero Centre, the Guasch Coranty Foundation Grant for artistic creation, the Sant Andreu Contemporani residency program, or the Iniciarte Program. She has exhibited in museums and art centres such as Centre Tecla Sala in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, CAAC Seville, Fabra i Coats in Barcelona, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Fundación Naturgy in A Coruña, Centro José Guerrero in Granada, among others.

Fernando Prats (Santiago de Chile, 1967) has lived and worked in Barcelona since 1990. His work is known for the actions undertaken mostly in Chile, among them Gran Sur, Isla Elefante, Antarctica, Acción Lota, Géiser del Tatio, Salar de Atacama, Mina a Rajo Abierto o Congelación, Collins Glacier and Chilean Antarctica. He has participated in exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale; Mediations Biennale, Poznan; Biennial of the Canary Islands, Chile Triennial, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona and Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile. He has significant works in the public space of Chile and a work commissioned by Barcelona. He is currently presenting the solo exhibition Aun tendría que haber luciérnagas, at Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria, Museo Nacional de Bogotá.

FIELD, Cabrita


VENEZIA 22.4.– 30.9.2022



On the occasion of the 59th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Cabrita is presenting Field, a large-scale sculpture which will dominate the vast interior of Chiesa di San Fantin in Venice.



This work consists of an indeterminate grid of steel platforms which evoke the passerelle used during acqua alta conditions in the city.


Complete within its boundaries, a multitude of uniform LED light tubes burn steadily on these platforms, underneath the occlusion of debris that appears to have rained down from above.



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Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria

In cooperation with the municipality of Gnas

Institut for Art in Public Space Styria

Curated by Elisabeth Fiedler and Peter Pakesch
Opening: March, 7th 2022
Duration: March to December 2022


Pedro Cabrita Reis (* 1956 in Lisbon), one of the most important Portuguese artists of the present day, works with civilisation’s remnants and building material. Time and again he creates new spaces or reinterprets old ones. Invited years ago to south eastern Styria by Peter Pakesch, he was fascinated by the tile grid architecture of the region.

He has created a new space in a piece of forest in Poppendorf from his enquiries into space, architecture and cultural remembrance, and into collective and individual memories. This space engages in dialogue with its surroundings, revealing thereby a new reality. 21 benches made from bricks, into which pairs of words are engraved, give rise to a spatial poem. Assembly/Versammlung is an autonomous work of art, which represents both a sculpture (and furniture piece) and a basis for communication – and contemplation, too.


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Les Trois Grâces

Les Trois Grâces – Cabrita

February 12th – June 7th 2022

Jardin des Tuileries – Musée du Louvre



Musée du Louvre has invited Cabrita to exhibit his large-scale reinterpretation of ‘Les Trois Grâces’ (‘The Three Graces’) at Jardin des Tuileries, as part of the 2022 France-Portugal Cruzada Season. 


These figures “come from the depths, long before Athenian democracy, pass through the Roman Empire, reach the Middle Ages, have an even more accentuated moment of brilliance in the Renaissance, reappear again in the 17th and 18th centuries with Rubens, and reach the modernity with Picasso, Matisse, and all that”, explains the Portuguese artist. The three elements are made of cork, each one is approximately 4.50 meters high and they are supported on an iron base, standing for the persistence in art history and the need to review the topic of representation to understand a monument. 


‘Les Trois Grâces’ by Cabrita will be on display from 12 February to mid June.



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Making off

Cabrita Cabinet d´amateur

Cabrita Cabinet d´amateur

CAC Málaga Centro de Arte Contemporáneo

15 de diciembre del 2020 al 14 de marzo de 2021



El Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga presenta la exposición de pintura más importante del artista portugués Cabrita titulada Cabrita. Cabinet d´amateur, comisariada por Helena Juncosa.


La muestra está compuesta por más de 250 pinturas que recorren la trayectoria de cuarenta años de Cabrita como pintor, desde los años ochenta hasta la actualidad, mostrando la amplia variedad y las múltiples formas de su obra pictórica junto a cinco esculturas de bronce. 


Cabrita. Cabinet d´amateur debe ser entendida como una obra única, sin principio ni fin, construida sobre las diversas referencias incluidas en la obra pictórica del artista.



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Cabrita: Obras na Coleção de Serralves.

Museo Municipal de Caminha, Portugal.

07/08 – 29/11/2020



La colección Serralves vuelve al Museo Municipal de Caminha con una exposición de obras de Cabrita.


La muestra reúne un conjunto de obras del artista que pertenecen a la colección del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Serralves y que dan una perspectiva sobre la evolución de la obra de Cabrita a lo largo de los años 80 y 90.


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think about the size




“Escric amb rius i turons / sobre el paper de les planes”    Perejaume*


Spring has been marked by a radical transformation of our ways of moving, relating and exchanging. Suddenly everything has changed. Our perception of everyday things and also of the most relevant things has been questioned. What seemed essential to us becomes not essential. We have realized the precariousness of life, we have known the importance of solidarity, of family, of our loved ones, of our environment. Nature and the environment have also taken a leading role that they did not have before.


Facing this, we have dared to ask the artists of the gallery to participate in this exhibition that we now present, with works which they have carried out during this time of social isolation. They are diverse answers to the same question, they have in common the use of paper as a medium, common for some –like Victoria Civera or Perejaume– and unprecedented for others –like Hannah Collins or Annika Kahrs–.


The making of these works has been able to become an escape route, a tool to continue working despite the difficulties and, at the same time, they allow the spectator to enter the intimacy of the studios and the heads of their creators. They are, in most cases, works made at home, with house’s tools, testimonies of a unique and, we hope, unrepeatable moment.


‘Think about the size of the universe, then brush your teeth and go to bed’ takes the title of a work by the artist Annika Kahrs. Starting with humor, it invites us to reflect on the balance between micro and macro levels and on the search for meaning and identity within the unfathomable universe of which we are a part, reflections that become fundamental in the current context.


The result of this exhibition has been a series of diverse works. In some cases, we see that the themes that worried the artists, before the pandemic, have maintained their leading role or, even in others, they show fragments of their work process and are linked to future projects.


In other cases, we find proposals that speak directly of the current moment: reflections on personal relationships, the political situation, messages from the media or vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly.


Finally, we would also find a third group of works that focus on observing the closest environment and nature.



To provide you with more information and images, please contact galeria@galeriajoanprats.com



* “I write with rivers and hills / on the paper of the plains” Perejaume