Tag Archives: borrell

Alfons Borrell

We are pleased to present the new exhibition by Alfons Borrell at Galeria Joan Prats, entitled Entrar al mar i sortir-ne blau [Enter the sea and come out blue], which we will inaugurate next Saturday, January 28, from 11 am to 2 pm, and where we will show paintings on canvas and on paper made since 1959 until 2017.

On the occasion of the exhibition, Valentín Roma has written: 

In one of his most celebrated essays, entitled On Nothing, the American poet Mark Strand wonders why this inclination to substantiate emptiness is due, to fill it with words, gestures, images.

Strand points out at least three tasks for language when it is challenged from the nakedness: one is a certain degree of obstinacy; another, lightness as a foundation against the definitive; the last one, a kind of opening towards that which, while not being a mystery, is not easily nameable either, something similar to a meticulousness pending precision.

The previous triad could well serve to bring us closer to the work of Alfons Borrell, to his persistence –so little exemplary and so resounding– regarding some of his own arguments through which to develop the practice of painting; to his interventions for the sake of that never fatuous or purely stylistic lightness, a kind of material ethics; to his intense way of erecting the details to make them essential.

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the magic carpet

Documentary film: ‘The magic carpet. Voices to remember Joan de Muga’


The exhibition ‘The Magic Carpet. For Joan de Muga’ is a tribute to Joan de Muga, founder and director of Joan Prats Gallery since 1976, when it opened, until 2020. The exhibition will bring together the work of artists who have been part of the gallery since the beginning to the present, together with photographs, letters, videos and documentation, to explain the history of the gallery and also Ediciones Polígrafa and other projects by Joan de Muga such as Fundació Espai Poblenou.


We will show works by Juan Araujo, Francis Bacon, Alfons Borrell, Joan Brossa, Cabrita, Alexander Calder, Anthony Caro, Chillida, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Victoria Civera, Hannah Collins, Helen Frankenthaler, Luis Gordillo, Guinovart, Hernández Pijuan, Wifredo Lam, Louise Lawler, Miralda, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Muntadas, Pablo Palazuelo, Perejaume, Joan Ponç, Fernando Prats, Ràfols Casamada, Caio Reisewitz, Julião Sarmento, George Segal, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Juan Uslé, Eulàlia Valldosera, Sue Williams


The title of the exhibition is inspired by a drawing by Joan Ponç dedicated to Joan de Muga, in which he portrayed him on a flying carpet. This sketch refers to his enterprising and visionary character, his passion for traveling and for imagining new projects.


We are organizing the exhibition with the complicity of Carles Guerra, who will write the text of the publication that we will publish later.

Alfons Borrell. 2.IX.20

Sala I. Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell.


Inauguració, dimecres 2 de setembre a les 19.00 h.

Exposició del 2 de setembre al 2 d’octubre de 2020.


Pintor dels sentiments, els seus quadres duen la taca latent d’una nebulosa plena de vida o el gest madur del traç d’un llamp. Els colors plans escuden o comprimeixen als altres, però sempre hi ha l’escletxa per on s’escapen; un tros de tela per on la taca, la vida, esdevé lliure, omplint tot el llenç, tot vessant el color dels límits del bastidor.


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alfons borrell

Inauguració / Inauguración / Opening

03/10, 19.30h

Balcó Foyer del Gran Teatre del Liceu


Exposició / Exposición / Exhibition

03.10 – 04.11.2019


Enguany, el llibre Temporada d’òpera d’Amics del Liceu serà il·lustrat per l’artista Alfons Borrell.

Per tal de fer la presentació d’aquestes obres de contingut operístic, la Galeria Joan Prats i els Amics del Liceu us convidem a la inauguració de l’exposició de dibuixos sobre les 10 òperes de la temporada del Liceu 2019-20.



Este año, el libro Temporada d’òpera de Amics del Liceu estará ilustrado por el artista Alfons Borrell.

Para presentar estas obras de contenido operístico, la Galería Joan Prats y Amics del Liceu os invitamos a la inauguración de la exposición de dibujos sobre las 10 óperas de la temporada del Liceu 2019-20.




This year, the book Saison of opera from Amics del Liceu will be illustrated by artist Alfons Borrell.

To present the artworks of operatic content, Galeria Joan Prats and Amics del Liceu would like to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of drawings about the 10 operas of the saison 2019-20 of the Liceu.


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