Tag Archives: Loop



We are pleased to participate to LOOP FAIR 2023, which takes place in Hotel Almanac Barcelona, from 21th till 23th of November, 2023. We are presenting a recent work by Cabello/Carceller Una película sin ninguna intención, 2022 (A Film With No Intention), a 3-channel video installation that will takes on a particular resonance in the hotel room.


“Una película sin ninguna intención is inspired by a brief fragment — only a few seconds — of the film Les rendez-vous d’Anna by Chantal Akerman. The action places the protagonist alone in a nondescript hotel room. Anna has just entered. She goes to the windows and, before opening one of them, draws back a sheer curtain in order to observe an industrial city outside. The scene does not reproduce the original script of the film. If it had been faithful to what was written, the world that the protagonist contemplates from the window would have been visually shared with the public; but ultimately, in the images we can only see the protagonist from behind, looking outward.


 What interested us most about this seemingly insignificant scene was its ability to evoke the life experience of those of us who, due to different circumstances, do not fit into the hegemonic model of coexistence. Isolation, incomprehension, distance, body. Anna leaves that room and pretends to interact with the others. In Una película sin ninguna intención, A. (a polysemic abbreviation in reference to Franz Kafka’s character K., to whom Akerman also may have referred) occupies an indefinite space in front of three windows, a sheer curtain, and an opaque curtain. Unlike Anna, A. never leaves that physical space.”




Museu de la Música, Barcelona



En ocasió de la seva primera col·laboració amb el Museu de la Música de Barcelona, el festival LOOP presenta dues propostes expositives que, des de perspectives molt diferents, indaguen en el terreny comú entre videoart, música i so.


D’una banda, el recorregut videogràfic Reclamant l’eco, amb obres d’artistes nacionals i internacionals que reivindiquen i celebren el caràcter comunicatiu de l’experiència musical; de l’altra, la projecció The UTZON Projects, Speaking with stones…, on l’artista alemany Gunnar Friel reflexiona sobre les singulars propietats sonores i musicals d’un material com el marès.


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Casa Vicens, Barcelona

5 novembre — 12 desembre 2021


Artistes: Albert Merino, Fleur Noguera, Francesca Llopis, Maggie Cardelús, Willi Bucher i Antoni Muntadas

Comissariat: Cristina Agápito


Casa Vicens acull una selecció de treballs de la Col·lecció olorVISUAL- Fundació Ernesto Ventós


El títol d’aquesta mostra, era una expressió recurrent de l’Ernesto Ventós. El creador d’essències i col·leccionista, artífex de colección olorVISUAL de la Fundación Ernesto Ventós, indicava amb aquesta frase, quan a través de la seva memòria olfactòria connectava amb alguna obra de videoart.


A l’ús d’imatges i sons per a la creació del videoart, el perfumista hi afegeix un element més, l’olor.


Així en el recorregut que podem fer a través de Casa Vicens, interactuant amb el segell d’originalitat de Gaudí, les essències que acompanyen les vídeocreacions, faran connectar-nos d’una forma més intensa amb els colors i formes de la casa.


Fragàncies licòriques, de tabac, floral, ozó… ens mostraran com les obres dels artistes del videoart, dialoguen amb els espais deliciosament atapeïts de la primera casa gaudiniana.

L’ahir, l’actualitat i l’avenir units per les olors.


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Annika Kahrs

Opening: 14.11.2019 from 18 to 21h

Exhibition: 20 and 21.11.2019 from 11 a 20h and till 30.11.2019 by appointment (t. 932160290 o galeria@galeriajoanprats.com)

Venue: Joan Prats Warehouse. Passatge Saladrigas, 5 Barcelona. Metro Poblenou



With motive of the Loop Festival, we present in our venue Joan Prats Warehouse a selection of recent videos and a sound installation by our artists Alicia Kopf, Annika Kahrs and Teresa Solar which link stories or personal reflections with the space exploration, technology and science.


The exhibition title, 26 thousand light years, refers to the distance that separates us from Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), a supermassive black hole located in the center of the Milky Way, the observation of which seems to confirm that black holes grow by absorbing minor ones and stars. The scientific speculation towards the outer space often approaches science fiction, as it appears in the works we present.


Alicia Kopf’s video Speculative Intimacy: An Understanding Of Control, 2019, suggests an emotional science fiction perspective in order to originate new stories about the interaction between bodies, human and non-human. The movie takes place in a near future where the borders between public and private have disappeared, the lives pass in continuous exposition. Michelle, its main character, investigates a concept in crisis: ¿What is intimacy? and talks about this topic with his non-human partner.


Annika Kahrs presents two works. The video solid surface, with hills, valleys, craters and other topographic features, primarily made of ice, 2014, shows a planetary where a starry sky is projected, at the center of which appears a circular light which would appear to be the moon, but it turns out to be a focus. In this work from 2014, the artist uses picture and narrative to make a portrait of Pluto, the vision of which was about to change, since New Horizons, an unmanned mission from NASA, was headed to its orbit. Finally it overflied it on July 14th, 2015, and could, for the first time, photograph it closely. Until then, the scientific illustrations about the planet were based on speculation.


The other work by Annika Kahrs is the sound installation think about two black holes colliding, then brush your teeth and go to bed, 2019. This work in two parts is a sound installation exploring gravitational waves and their detection. In 2015, the first direct observation of gravitational waves was announced by LIGO. This moment was a record of the collision of two black holes. In the first part of her installation, using a toothbrush as an instrument Kahrs has recreated the sound of their detection alongside audio data courtesy LIGO. For the second part, Kahrs has recorded interviews between Dr. Keith Thorne of LIGO and contributors from different fields.


In Teresa Solar’s video Ground Control, 2017, the artist transforms herself into the clay ball that turns on the potter’s wheel. The image of the turning body is accompanied with fragmented stories that connect the accident of the space shuttle Columbia, exploding into pieces due to a failure in its protective shield, with the personal injuries suffered by the artist herself. The title Ground Control has a double meaning: it is a direct reference to the material, ground or clay, and the pressure exerted on it when working on the potter’s wheel and it also refers to the operations center from which the development of a spaceship is monitored. Through the title, this minimal communication experience and conflictual balance between subject and subject matter increases in scale, linking with space travel.



Alicia Kopf (Girona, 1982) lives and works in Barcelona. Her work reflects on apparently individual issues that have become generational concerns. The expressive dimension of her work is related to her studies in Fine Arts Literature Theory and Comparative Literature. She has exhibited in museums and art centers such as Accademia Di Spagna, Rome (2019), MAC La Coruña in the 15th Naturgy art exhibition (2018); Sala Mendoza, Caracas, Mazcul, Maracaibo (2017); CCCB, Barcelona, Museum of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia (2015); Goethe Institute, La Capella and MACBA, Barcelona (2014); Fundació Tàpies, Barcelona (2013); Bòlit La Rambla, Gerona (2011) or CaixaForum, Barcelona (2009). Recently, she has exhibited in Azkuna Centroa, Bilbao, drawings of the series ‘Conquest drawings’, within the exhibition ‘Nunca real/Siempre verdadero’ curated by Iván de la Nuez. As a novelist, her most important work is ‘Brother in ice’, published in 2015, with which she won the Documenta Prize 2015, the 2016 Llibreter Prize, the 2016 Ojo Crítico Award and the Cálamo Otra Mirada 2017.



Annika Kahrs (Achim, Germany, 1984) lives and works in Hamburg. She has been awarded a number of prizes and scholarships including the Max-Pechstein-Förderpreis–Stipendium, of Zwickau, in 2019 and the George-Maciunas-Förderpreis in 2012, donated by René Block. In 2011 she won first prize at the 20th Bundeskunstwettbewerb of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Kahrs has exhibited internationally, including Kunstverein of Kassel (2018), Kunsthalle Lingen (2017), Cité International des Arts (2016), Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2015), Kunsthalle Bremerhaven (2015), On the Road exhibition in Santiago de Compostela (2014), the Bienal Internacional de Curitiba, Brazil (2013), Hamburger Kunsthalle (2013), KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2012), Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (2011), Goldsmiths University, London (2011), and the Velada de Santa Lucia festival in Maracaibo, Venezuela (2010).


Teresa Solar (Madrid, 1985) lives and works in Madrid.  She has been a resident and visiting professor in the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste from Stuttgart (2016), finalist in the Award Cervezas Alhambra de Arte Emergente (ARCOmadrid 2017) and of the program for mentors Fundación Rolex (2016), she received the production scholarship of Fundación Botín (2014), of CAM (2011) and the award Generaciones (2012). Currently she presents in Index, Stockholm Ride Ride Ride, an individual exhibition that had been in Matadero (Madrid) with the title Cabalga, Cabalga, Cabalga. She has recently shown Flotation Line at Der Tank, Basel (June 2018) and in the program Compositions of the Barcelona Gallery Weekend (September, 2018) and has been part of the 2018 expedition “The Current” organized by TBA21-Academy. She has exhibited individually at La Panera Lleida (2016), Matadero Madrid (2014) and CA2M Móstoles (2012) and has participated in collective exhibitions at Haus der Kunst, Munich (March, 2018), at Kunstverein Braunschweig (June, 2018) , in the section “El futuro no es lo que va a pasar, sinóo lo que vamos a hacer” to ARCOmadrid (February 2018), at Kunstverein München, Munich (2017), the Fundación Marcelino Botín Foundation, Santander (2016) and Macro, Roma (2015), among others.

Perejaume, surar. FIAC


En el marc de FIAC, Cinéphémère es presenta un vídeo de Perejaume, programa comissariat per Carolina Ciuti.



En el marco de FIAC, Cinéphémère se presenta un video de Perejaume, programa comisariado por Carolina



In the framework of FIAC, Cinéphémère presents a video of Perejaume, a program curated by Carolina Ciuti.




Surar, 2009, 9 min 50


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Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

26.10.2017 – 7.1.2018


Wonders va ser la proposta guanyadora de la 2a edició del Premi de Videocreació impulsat  per la Xarxa de Centres d’Arts Visuals de Catalunya, LOOP Barcelona i Arts Santa Mònica, un vídeo que qüestiona el model cultural, social i econòmic del món de la cultura de masses.

Es tracta d’una proposta videogràfica que utilitza recursos propers al biopic musical i la performance per analitzar la figura del “one-hit wonder”, probablement, una de les més simptomàtiques del paradigma neoliberal que ha impregnat totes i cadascuna de les esferes del món global les darreres tres dècades.

L’expressió “one-hit wonder” serveix, en la indústria discogràfica, per a anomenar aquells que han assolit el reconeixement massiu de manera fugaç gràcies a un sol senzill reeixit. Alguns d’aquests èxits són, fins a cert punt, efímers a propòsit, productes creats per raons humorístiques o per aprofitar una novetat en la cultura popular però, en la majoria dels casos, implica a músics seriosos i entusiastes que s’esforcen a continuar les seves carreres quan la popularitat decau, tal és el cas de Dennis Seaton i Michael Grant (membres del grup Musical Youth). A principis de la dècada dels vuitanta, la formació Musical Youth aconseguí una forta repercussió mundial gràcies al seu primer àlbum The youth of today i, molt especialment, al senzill Pass the dutchie que va vendre cinc milions de còpies arreu del món i va optar a un Grammy (els Oscars de la música).


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Museu Can Framis, Fundació Vila Casas, Barcelona

18.05 – 01.06.2017


Antoni Muntadas (Barcelona, 1942) presenta el projecte “Pamplona-Grazalema” al Museu Can Framis dins la programació de LOOP Barcelona.

Es tracta d’una proposta en forma de llibre i instal·lació videogràfica, realitzada en col·laboració amb l’antropòleg Ginés Serrán Pagán, que confronta dues festes taurines espanyoles: els Sanfermines a Pamplona i la Fiesta del Toro de la Virgen del Carmen a Grazalema (Cadis) posant de manifest el canvi gradual d’aquestes festes de tradició popular a espectacle de turisme de masses.

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Muntadas Loop

Friday 26 May 2017, 11:15 —12.:30

Loop, Barcelona


In the words of Niels van Tomme

What have we learned from Muntadas? After having had the honour to experience a body of work that has grown expansively throughout a more than four decades long career devoted to detecting and decoding the mechanisms of control and power through which hegemonic ways of perception are constructed, what is it that makes us return time and time again to the politically apt works of Muntadas?

There is an old-age idiom that goes “seeing is believing”, but if there is one thing to be absorbed from Muntadas’ insightful practice, it is the fact that seeing can never be straightforwardly aligned with believing. For Muntadas the media-saturated ways in which we experience the world are always already ideologically, politically and socially coded. In order to see properly we need a proper “translation”, a moment that allows the passive stance of seeing to transform into the more active act of knowing, which is the becoming aware of the very mechanisms of mediation itself. These are the tools Muntadas’ multidimensional media practice provides. “Warning: Perception Requires Involvement” goes the artist’s well-known 1999 slogan, thereby highlighting the multifaceted relationships between seeing, transcribing, perceiving and knowing, which are key to understanding his work. We cannot think the world without acting within, and becoming actively part of that world. And so Muntadas’ practice, besides offering a constructive way in which to perceive the media fabric around us, primarily makes us involved and active participants within the reality that surrounds us.

Muntadas’ early video works shift impressively from merely documentation of ‘actions’ towards a more complex investigation of the medium’s intrinsic political and ideological framings. Even though the work often looks scientifically detached, the emphasis lies not in following the protocols of documentary media production, but on forging new ways of seeing. It is a seeing that makes us aware of the intricate ways in which media filter and reshape the events we watch, or, conversely, how we are shaped by the manifold mediations that persistently take place right before our eyes. Once you see this, there is no way to unsee it.


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Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona



Formular una lectura contemporània de l’obra videogràfica i audiovisual preliminar d’Eugènia Balcells, Antoni Muntadas i Carles Pujol és el motiu d’aquesta exposició. Projeccions, videoinstal·lacions i vídeos monocanal –fets a partir dels anys setanta– articulen un recorregut al voltant del treball de tres pioners en l’ús del vídeo com a eina artística. L’itinerari s’inicia amb l’exhibició de més de setanta documents –seleccionats per Antoni Mercader– englobats sota el títol 35 ítems per a documentar la irrupció del videoart a Espanya, 1974-1990.

Eugènia Balcells analitza les estratègies de seducció del cinema i la televisió, assenyalant la necessitat de postures feministes en el camp de la representació, mitjançant la pràctica del desmuntatge i l’apropiació. Antoni Muntadas estudia els mecanismes ideològics dels mitjans de comunicació de masses, proposant experiències televisives de caire alternatiu o suggerint desplaçaments cognitius que impliquen críticament l’espectador. Carles Pujol reflexiona sobre els codis de percepció visual de l’espai, investigant les possibilitats estètiques del vídeo analògic a partir de la documentació del fet de dibuixar i la incorporació participativa del circuit tancat.

Si el concepte “(re)visionats” fa referència al fet d’observar els vídeos amb una mirada actual, la noció “(re)visitats” posa èmfasi en l’acte de recórrer les instal·lacions, escoltant les seves dinàmiques auditives. La “relectura” correspon a la iniciativa del LOOP, que enguany ha iniciat la recuperació, digitalització i presentació online de desenes de documents impresos. Revisionar, revisitar i rellegir els treballs de Balcells, Muntadas i Pujol permet entreveure, des d’una perspectiva recent, el valor d’unes obres que ja formen part del patrimoni cultural videoartístic d’aquest país.


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