Tag Archives: portuguese artist

Museu Coleção Berardo

Abstracto, Branco, Tóxico e Volátil.

Julião Sarmento

Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal

Opening 11.05.2022



The Museu Coleção Berardo have the pleasure of opening Julião Sarmento’s exhibition Abstracto, Branco, Tóxico e Volátil, on Wednesday, 11 May, from 5 to 9 p.m., with free admission. 



The exhibition Abstracto, Branco, Tóxico e Volátil brings together a very significant selection of works which is the result of a close collaboration between the artist and the curator Catherine David.



Julião Sarmento (1948–2021) was one of the most internationally recognised Portuguese artists, having developed an artistic career that was immensely coherent, rich, and intense. Constantly renewing himself, closely connected with the artistic practices of his time, and strongly influenced by the culture of English-speaking countries and the themes and images of literature and film, he employed a diverse range of methods and techniques to establish a concise vocabulary of ambiguous images. His work has a performative and theatrical dimension, which accumulates through the constant evocation of timeless themes and representations—such as the woman, sexuality, transgression, memory, duality, home, the word—which operate as structural axes of his work.


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The artist Julião Sarmento participates in the group exhibition ‘RED LIGHT: Sexuality and representation in the Norlinda and José Lima Collection’ at Centro de Arte Oliva, João da Madeira, Portugal, until March 14, 2021.


RED LIGHT presents a selection of works from the Norlinda and José Lima art collection, having in common the approach to sexuality, declined in multiple themes, both presented in a complement of counterpoint and in a discordant confrontation: the representation of the body, male and female nudity, eroticism, fantasy, desire and pain, object and subject, pleasure and domination, places of female representation, male gaze, voyeurism, exhibitionism and self-representation in art.


Cuarated by Sandra Vieira Jürgens.



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Mais nada se move em cima do papel.

O desenho como pensamento


14 NOV. 2020 – 18 ABRIL 2021 

CAA – Centro de Artes de Águeda, Portugal


Comisaria: Sara Antónia Matos


Exposición colectiva, con obras de Julião Sarmento.



Enmarcada en el ciclo O desenho como pensamento (El dibujo como pensamiento), de CAA – Centro de Arte Águeda, la exposición “Mais nada se move em cima do papel (Nada más se mueve sobre el papel)” adopta como título el primer verso de un poema de Al Berto y recoge obras de artistas que a lo largo de los años, en sus propios caminos y lenguajes, han venido trabajando el dibujo como un registro indisciplinado, en algunos casos transversal a sus prácticas.


Las obras expuestas muestran que el dibujo refleja una condición previa, poco tangible, comparable al pensamiento, como si el gesto o la intuición que precede a la inscripción de la línea se desplazara o flotara sobre el papel, y luego se formara sobre soportes bidimensionales y tridimensional, ganan cuerpo y adquieren formulaciones escultóricas, sonoras, atmosféricas y espaciales.


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