Instituto Tomie Ohtake
Exhibition 25.04 – 26.05.2019
At the outset of the exhibition-cum-essay curated by Luise Malmaceda and Paulo Miyada to be held at Instituto Tomie Ohtake is the oeuvre of Miguel Bakun (1909-1963), an artist from Paraná, a state in southern Brazil. As the curators have noted, the event is meant to reflect on representation of landscapes in Brazil’s subtropical region that have “so often been sidelined by the eminently warm-climate, coastal beach imaginary of a country whose picture-postcard sites are mostly found north of the Tropic of Capricorn.”
Sponsored by Banco Barigüi, Grupo Barigüi, Tradener and Moageira Irati, the exhibition has been designed to feature, in unprecedented format in São Paulo, a large cutout from Bakun’s production contextualized in the history of Brazilian art. The exhibition comprises three large groups engaged in dialogue with the artist: one specifically covering landscapes from southern Brazil, in particular the state of Paraná, consisting of pieces by Alfredo Andersen (1869 – 1935), Bruno Lechowski (1887– 1941), Caio Reisewitz (1967 –) and Marcelo Moscheta (1976 –); another situating Bakun within Brazilian modernism together with Alberto da Veiga Guignard (1896 – 1962), Alfredo Volpi (1896 – 1988), Iberê Camargo (1914 – 1994) and José Pancetti (1902 – 1998); and a third group made up of contemporary artists who, like Bakun, found in landscape an inexhaustible source of investigation, as for example Marina Camargo (1980 –), Lucas Arruda (1983 –) and Fernando Lindote (1960 –).